
Raden Muhammad Naufal F. H., Chairperson of BEM FTUI 2024, Ready to Build a Progressive and Inclusive BEM FTUI 2024 for IKM FTUI and Indonesia

The Executive Board of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Indonesia (BEM FTUI) has undergone a regeneration of its officials. The current leadership of BEM FTUI 2024 is chaired by Raden Muhammad Naufal Faris Herviadi (Mechanical Engineering 2021) with Vice Chair Adella Nazwa Hanifa (Bioprocess Engineering 2021). Both were appointed as Chair and Vice Chair on February 7, 2024, at an inauguration event held in Room K.206, FTUI. The inauguration process was attended by all the heads of institutions in IKM FTUI for the 2024 term.

Raden and Adella named their cabinet Arunika Biru Berderu, symbolizing new hope, pride, and unity from BEM FTUI 2024 to the Engineering community. The vision brought by this cabinet is for BEM FTUI 2024 to be progressive and inclusive in making a significant impact on IKM FTUI and Indonesia. Meanwhile, the mission of BEM FTUI 2024 consists of:

  1. Realizing harmonious and systematic internal governance of the institution.
  2. Optimizing the function of BEM FTUI as the coordinator of executive institutions to create a progressive direction for IKM FTUI.
  3. Accelerating the development of interests, and talents, and addressing the needs of FTUI students inclusively.
  4. Scaling up work programs to increase the impact on IKM FTUI and Indonesia.
  5. Building and maintaining relationships with stakeholders to create sustainable collaboration spaces.

As the name suggests, BEM FTUI 2024 has various innovations that bring a fresh perspective to this leadership. These innovations include an agile organization and the 7 pillars of Arunika, which cover Sosling Corridor, Skill BEM: Project BP, Enterns: Go International, BEM Connect, Find Your Path, Center of Engineering Occupation: Hiring Days, and Pesta Rakyat Teknik.

Currently, BEM FTUI 2024 is in the process of forming and conducting an open recruitment for the Executive Board. In the formation process, the Daily Executive Board of BEM FTUI 2024 creates a Planning and Execution Sheet (Lempersus) and an Annual Activity and Budget Plan (RKAT). Meanwhile, in the open recruitment process, candidates for the BEM FTUI 2024 executive board will undergo assignments and interviews.

“I am motivated to step forward as the Chair of BEM FTUI because I see the condition of IKM FTUI hanging by a thread after months of not having a leader in BEM FTUI. I see this as a call that I must answer because I am a fortunate person, having gained experience as the Chair of the Department Student Association in the previous year. Hopefully, the steps I take can also bring benefits to all members of the Engineering community in the present and future,” said Raden.

Dean of FTUI, Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, ST., M.Eng., IPU, gave his response on another occasion, “The awareness to take on the responsibility by Raden and Adella is commendable and should be an example for other students. Moreover, we must also help make the work programs of BEM FTUI 2024 successful because this goodness will come back to us as members of the Engineering community. Congratulations to Raden and Adella as Chair and Vice-Chair of FTUI 2024. Hopefully, BEM FTUI 2024 can be a shining light for FTUI and Indonesia.”


Office of Public Communication
Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia