
Faculty of Engineering UI Holds Professional Engineer Oath-Taking for 58 Graduates

The Faculty of Engineering at the University of Indonesia (FTUI) recently organized the Professional Engineer Oath-Taking ceremony on Friday, January 3rd. The event, held in the Makara 04 Smart Meeting Room FTUI, was attended by 58 new graduates from the Professional Engineer Program (PS-PPI) FTUI, Semester Gasal 2023/2024.

“The number of participants present today is 58 graduates from the batches of 2022 and 2023, bringing the total number of PS-PPI graduates to 284 individuals. Out of these graduates, 33 are lecturers from the Faculty of Engineering, and 3 are lecturers from the Faculty of Computer Science (Fasilkom). I congratulate the graduates who will take the professional engineer oath. May the graduates dedicate themselves to the engineering profession with full dedication and enthusiasm to make a significant impact on our society and country,” expressed Prof. Dr. Ir. Heri Hermansyah, ST., M.Eng., IPU., the Dean of FTUI.

In his address, Ir. Habibie Razak, S.T., M.M., IPU., ACPE., Asean Eng., Executive Director of the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII), highlighted the development of the engineering profession in Indonesia. “PII is currently the second oldest professional organization in Indonesia after IDI. Over the last 71 years, Indonesian engineers through PII have actively played a role in national development. Since the establishment of the Professional Engineer Program in 2016, more than 23,000 engineers have been produced from approximately 44 universities. This indicates that Indonesian engineers can compete not only domestically but also globally,” said Ir. Habibie.

Following the speeches, Prof. Dr. Fitri Yuli Zulkifli, S.T., M.Sc., IPU., the Chair of the PS-PPI Program, presented the graduate report. Out of the two available programs, PS-PPI FTUI has graduated 179 engineers through the regular track and 105 engineers through the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) track. Among the 58 participants, 19 graduated with Summa Cum Laude honors, 18 with Cum Laude honors, and 21 with Very Satisfactory honors.

The symbolic process of awarding medals and project helmets was carried out for two representative PS-PPI graduates, namely Ir. Widiyanto Saputro, S.kom., M.M., IPM., Asean Eng.; and Ir. Madelestin, S.T. The medal presentation was conducted by Prof. Dr. Ir. Heri Hermansyah, ST., M.Eng., IPU., and Prof. Dr. Ir. Yanuar, M.Eng., M.Sc., the Vice Dean for Education, Research, and Student Affairs at FTUI. Meanwhile, the use of project helmets was performed by Ir. Habibie Razak, S.T., M.M., IPU., ACPE., Asean Eng., and Dr. Ir. Yuliarman Saragih, S.T., M.T., IPM., the Head of the Professional Engineer Program Development Division in West Java. The event concluded with the graduates taking the engineer’s oath and a group photo with all participants of the Professional Engineer Oath-Taking ceremony.


Public Communication Office
Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia