
FTUI Receives Study Visit from IPB

On Monday (20/05), FTUI received a visit from the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) in the Smart Meeting Room. The purpose of IPB’s visit to FTUI was to conduct a benchmarking study related to IPB’s plan to open a School of Engineering.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Heri Hermansyah, ST., M.Eng., IPU., Dean of FTUI, delivered his welcome remarks, “We are very pleased to exchange insights with IPB. IPB is a great university, and now they are opening a Medical School and planning to open an Engineering School as well. We at FTUI must not become complacent so as not to be outpaced by IPB.”

For the past 60 years, FTUI has always monitored rankings through Times Higher Education (THE) and Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings. Besides the quality of education, FTUI also focuses on laboratories and human resources. In this regard, FTUI strives to provide laboratories with comprehensive facilities and to hire competent lecturers in their fields. i-CELL is one example of a laboratory at FTUI that can be used by students from various study programs.

Currently, IPB is in the process of establishing a School of Engineering. The School of Engineering is being formed to support student innovation in creating and researching products. The opening of the School of Engineering will be carried out as soon as possible.

In addition to discussing FTUI’s facilities and the concept of the School of Engineering, the discussion also covered the recruitment system for lecturers and educational staff, salaries of lecturers and staff, working hours of lecturers, student courses, and other related topics.

“One difference between IPB and FTUI is that first-year students at IPB are not yet assigned to specific study programs, whereas at FTUI they are,” said Prof. Slamet Budijanto, Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology at IPB.

After the discussion, the IPB delegation toured FTUI to see the available facilities.


Public Communication Office
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia