
Supporting Alumni Certification, FTUI Holds Socialization for Construction Workforce Competency Certification Exam

In today’s increasingly competitive job market, university graduates often pursue certifications to enhance their employability. This competency certification is even mandated by the Construction Services Law No. 2 of 2017. In support of this, FTUI held a Socialization of the Construction Workforce Competency Certification Exam on July 11, 2024.

The event invited several speakers, including Dr. Dedy Natrifahrizal Dedisky Nazaroeddin, S.E., M.Si., Director of Competency and Construction Productivity; Ir. Ludy Eqbal Almuhamadi from the Construction Services Development Board; Ir. Firman Widodo, M.M. from the Construction Management Professional Certification Institute (MK) HAMKI; Dr. Ir. Tri Joko, M.Si. from the Association of Environmental Engineering Experts in Indonesia (IATPI); Ir. S. Soeradji, DIP.HE., PU-SDA from the Indonesian Hydraulics Engineering Association (HATHI); and Ir. Herman Sapar from the Indonesian Construction Experts Association (HAKI).

“This socialization aims to fulfil the role and function of the centre, create human resources aligned with the construction industry, and enhance knowledge about certification for alumni and fresh graduates. I thank FTUI for supporting this morning’s event,” said Samuel Tampubolon, Head of the Construction Services Center Region III Jakarta, in his opening remarks.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Yanuar, M.Eng., M.Sc., Vice Dean for Education, Research, and Student Affairs, stated in his speech, “FTUI has a vision and mission to become an excellent engineering campus that can contribute to society. This socialization is an initial step for alumni to be ready to enter the industry. I hope the participants can make good use of this preparation.”

Ir. Rachman Arief Dienaputra, M.Eng., Director General of Construction Development, added, “Infrastructure cannot be separated from quality human resources. Certification is needed to produce such quality workers. We strive to continuously provide additional competencies, especially for workers entering the field and students so that they can be ready for the workforce immediately after graduation.”

After the speeches, there was a presentation by Dr. Dedy. “We have a strategy to prepare competent workers by offering an acceleration program for prospective S-1 graduates. Through this program, we provide additional competencies so that S-1 graduates can immediately reach the young expert level (level 7). This is our effort to ensure domestic human resources are not inferior to foreign ones.”

Regarding this, Ir. Ludy said, “A competency certificate is a proof that a person is competent in a certain field. Data shows that out of 2.5 million construction workers, only about 400 have competency certificates. This certificate also serves as a license for someone to perform their job.”

After the presentations on the importance of certification, there was an explanation of the urgency of construction services associations in supporting policies and infrastructure development.

“MK has various tasks, including issuing certificates and eliminating project risks such as accidents, high costs, and delays. We also ensure that construction designs meet the owner’s requirements, and handle planning, organizing, execution, and control,” said Ir. Firman.

Next, Dr. Tri explained, “As the name suggests, IATPI is a special body for Environmental Engineering. IATPI’s work areas include liquid waste management, waste and hazardous and toxic materials (B3) management, air pollution control, clean water provision, environmental damage recovery, and drainage. In short, we strive to restore and protect the environment from damage.”

The next presentation was by Ir. Soeradji. “Water is very important. Without water, we cannot live. The importance of water drives HATHI to develop water technology relevant to modern advancements. HATHI also provides education, training, seminars, research, and community service in an integrated system,” he said.

“One of HAKI’s functions is as an information provider platform. We disseminate information through conferences and seminars, online platforms, knowledge databases, training and certification, discussion forums, and more. Additionally, we support construction using environmentally friendly materials, robotics and automation, vertical construction, smart construction technology, digital solutions for product management, etc.,” explained Ir. Herman, the final speaker.

On a separate occasion, Prof. Dr. Ir. Heri Hermansyah, S.T., M.Eng., IPU., Dean of FTUI, stated, “Competency certificates are crucial for construction workers. As part of a university, FTUI encourages its graduates to pursue certification. With this certification, FTUI graduates can become superior and competitive.”


Public Communication Office
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia