
FTUI Multidisciplinary Master’s Program Hosts Public Lecture on Buildings and Climate

On Tuesday (06/25), FTUI held a public lecture discussing the creation of sustainable and climate-resilient cities. The lecture featured two topics presented by two speakers: “Cooling the Urban Environment: Strategies to Alleviate Heat Wave-Induced Thermal Discomfort in Buildings” by Prof. Veronica Soebarto and “Designing Climate Adaptive Cities: Understanding the Role of Green Infrastructure and Landscape Design” by Dr. Scott Hawken.

“This public lecture is part of FTUI’s mobility program, which allows FTUI to invite international lecturers to share their knowledge here annually. I hope today’s lecture runs smoothly and broadens the participants’ perspectives,” said Dr. Ing. Ova Candra Dewi, S.T., M.Sc., Head of the Multidisciplinary Master’s Program in Urban and Regional Planning at FTUI, while opening the event.

Climate change has become a major issue affecting all corners of the globe. According to the BBC, heat waves are the world’s first silent killer. A heat wave is a condition where temperatures rise for three days or more. In the United States, about 60,000 people are hospitalized due to heat waves. Heat waves not only affect health but also have adverse impacts on buildings.

Prof. Veronica explained, “There are several things we can do to avoid the negative impacts of heat waves, including not cutting down trees indiscriminately, planting trees, using natural grass, creating green roofs, and green surfaces.”

The next speaker, Dr. Hawken, explained, “Carbon-neutral cities require good governance, funding for the transition, good urban form and structure, and integration. Additionally, supportive communities and networks are also essential to support this.”

“I would like to thank Prof. Veronica and Dr. Hawken for sharing their knowledge at FTUI. I hope this public lecture increases our awareness to create sustainable and climate-resilient buildings,” said Prof. Dr. Ir. Heri Hermansyah, S.T., M.Eng., IPU, Dean of FTUI.


Public Communication Office
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia