
UI Biomedical Engineering Student Project Exhibition: Creating Innovative Prototypes for Healthcare Solutions

This year marks the 4th annual Student Project Exhibition organized by the Biomedical Engineering Study Program at Universitas Indonesia (UI). Held as part of the Capstone Design Course on Prototype Application Design in Healthcare Technology (December 17), the event featured nine student groups from the class of 2021. The course is supervised by lecturers Dr. Basari, S.T., M.Eng., Siti Fauziyah Rahman, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D., Sylvi Febriana Rachmawati Irnadiastputri, M.Eng., Mohammad Ikhsan, M.T., Ph.D., and Rizal Azis, S.Si., M. Biotech., M.Sc.

The course begins in the sixth semester, focusing on design processes that include comprehensive proposals and product design specifications developed through surveys, user/client interviews, and design procedures. In the seventh semester, students realize prototypes by addressing various constraints and complexities in developing solutions.

The exhibition, held in the Lobby of the K Building at FTUI, showcased innovative prototypes developed by nine student groups, including HeartTip, Langkah Netra, Dofet, Sur-Gon-On!, pHocus, Veinify, MediSync, Smile Vision+, and SoundSentry. The event highlighted design projects that emphasize creating innovative products and solutions to address challenges in the healthcare sector.

“We hope this year’s student projects are more realistic and applicable, as the students have gone through intensive interactions with users. This process trains them to design tools that can truly be utilized. In the future, we want these projects to go beyond just patents and evolve into products used by doctors, healthcare professionals, or the public. To achieve this, we plan to promote these works more actively through seminars or exhibitions involving industry stakeholders to explore collaboration and investment opportunities,” said Dr. Basari, S.T., M.Eng.

One standout project, HeartTip, presented an innovative device capable of detecting heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, and respiratory rate through a fingertip sensor. The results are displayed on a mobile application. Inspired by the high number of infants born in Indonesia with congenital heart diseases, team members M. Rafli Arrasyid, Khansa Nitisara Ramdhani, and Mayra Rahma Dianti designed a tool to monitor various heart health parameters in infants. The device can also send measurement results online to doctors, facilitating continuous infant health monitoring.

“Developing this product was challenging as we had to work on hardware and software simultaneously. The hardware needed to detect infant parameters and send data to the software via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), while the software had to display data in real time. We faced numerous trials and errors, such as replacing malfunctioning or inaccurate sensors, and relied on resources like journals and online repositories to ensure accurate data calculations and transmission,” said Mayra, a member of the HeartTip team.

Another team member, Khansa, expressed hope for the product’s future development: “We hope this product can be further improved, such as by building software with robust backend architecture to store sensor data and user authentication information, as well as enhancing sensor accuracy. This product holds great potential for assisting parents or caregivers in monitoring infant heart health.”

Another innovative project, Langkah Netra, introduced a bright vest and cane designed to improve mobility and independence for the visually impaired. The smart cane features ultrasonic sensors to detect obstacles, vibration, and modu motion, and buzzers for alerts. Meanwhile, the bright vest integrates GPS technology for navigation, AI-powered cameras that convert images into audio, and Braille-based navigation buttons. These components use Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology to connect hardware and software in real-time, offering 360° obstacle detection, GPS-based mapping, and ease of use. The product is designed to be user-friendly, safe, and practical, empowering visually impaired individuals to navigate daily activities independently.

Prof. Ir. Mahmud Sudibandriyo, M.Sc., Ph.D., Acting Dean of FTUI, praised the students’ creativity in developing innovative solutions. “I am immensely proud to see how our students have successfully created practical prototypes that address real societal needs, particularly in healthcare. We hope these projects do not stop at exhibitions but can be further developed into products that truly benefit the community. With strong collaboration between students, lecturers, and industry partners, I am optimistic FTUI can have a greater impact on society.”


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Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia