
UI Professor Develops Remote Sensing Engineering Technology as a Pillar of Indonesia’s Transformation

The Rector of Universitas Indonesia (UI), Prof. Dr. Ir. Heri Hermansyah, S.T., M.Eng., IPU, officially inaugurated three Permanent Professors of the Faculty of Engineering (FT), namely Prof. Sugeng Supriadi, S.T., MS.Eng., PhD., Prof. Ir. Ahmad Indra Siswantara, Ph.D., and Prof. Dr. Ir. Dodi Sudiana, M.Eng., on Wednesday (5/3) at the Balai Sidang, UI Depok Campus. Prof. Dr. Ir. Dodi Sudiana, M.Eng. was inaugurated as a Permanent Professor in Remote Sensing Engineering Technology.

Prof. Dodi delivered his inaugural speech, “Remote Sensing Engineering Technology: A Pillar of Indonesia’s Transformation Towards Big Data and AI Independence.” In his remarks, he emphasized the strategic role of remote sensing technology in supporting Indonesia’s independence in the digital era. He highlighted how this technology has become the backbone for various sectors, ranging from environmental monitoring, urban planning, and precision agriculture to disaster mitigation. By combining satellite data, artificial intelligence (AI), and big data analytics, remote sensing technology is believed to become a key foundation for national digital transformation.

“In the future, independence in big data and AI technology based on remote sensing will be crucial to enhance the nation’s competitiveness and support strategic national policies, including in food security, disaster mitigation, and natural resource management,” said Prof. Dodi.

Furthermore, Prof. Dodi highlighted the relevance of remote sensing technology to President Prabowo’s Asta Cita (Eight Aspirations), particularly in supporting economic independence, improving the quality of life for the people, and strengthening data-driven geospatial infrastructure. Prof. Dodi emphasized that collaboration between academia, government, and industry is essential in building a sovereign and innovative remote sensing ecosystem.

Prof. Dodi’s contributions to various strategic research projects demonstrate his expertise in remote sensing and artificial intelligence, including high-accuracy mapping of agricultural areas/rice fields, monitoring forest and land fire potential, detecting mangrove forest shrinkage, monitoring land subsidence using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Interferometry (InSAR), and flood detection in urban areas using SAR data. He also leads the Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering Research Center (AIDE-RC) at FTUI, where one of its clusters focuses on developing AI-based disaster classification systems and radar technology for coastal area mapping.

Before becoming the 22nd UI professor inaugurated in 2025, Prof. Dodi completed his Bachelor of Engineering at FTUI in 1990. He then continued his Master’s program at Keio University and his Doctoral program at Chiba University, specializing in Science and Technology.

Prof. Dodi’s inauguration ceremony was attended by distinguished guests, including Principal Researchers from the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Prof. Dr. Ir. Dony Kushardono, M.Eng. and Prof. (Ris) Dr. Ratih Dewanti, M.Sc.; Professor from Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Prof. Drh. Bambang Pontjo Priosoeryanto, M.S., Ph.D., APVet, DACCM; Head of the Satellite Technology Research Center at BRIN, Dr.-Ing. Ir. Wahyudi Hasbi, S.Si, M.Kom; Head of the Geovisualization and Geoinformatics Infrastructure Research Group at BRIN, Dr. Joko Widodo; President Director of Fatmawati Central General Hospital, Dr. Wahyu Widodo, Sp.OT (K); and Head of the Center of Excellence for Health Technology at Diponegoro University, Prof. Dr. Ir. Rifky Ismail, S.T., M.T.


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Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia