The 2nd 2020 Ahmad Dahlan International Conference Series on Engineering, Science, and Information Technology (ADICS-ESIT 2020) will be held on the 26th-27th of August, 2020. ADICS-ESIT is an annual international conference where all experts from home and abroad come together to present their latest works and share new ideas & visions for achieving the future telecommunication, computing, electrical, electronics, physics, natural sciences, mathematics, chemical and control for living a better life. The excellent accepted papers after extension and modification will be published in SCOPUS indexed journals (additional charge applies): Organizing committee:
Kampus 1: Jln. Kapas No. 9 Yogyakarta
Kampus 2: Jl. Pramuka 42, Sidikan, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta 55161
Kampus 3: Jl. Prof. Dr. Soepomo, S.H., Janturan, Warungboto, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta 55164
Kampus 4: Jl.Ringroad Selatan, Yogyakarta
Kampus 5: Jl. Ki Ageng Pemanahan 19, Yogyakarta
Telp. : (0274) 563515, 511830, 379418, 371120
Fax. : (0274) 564604