
Aiming for Current Needs, FTUI Opens Specialization in Process Safety Management at the Chemical Engineering Masters

The Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia (FTUI) is opening three new specializations for the Masters’s Program in the 2023/2024 academic year. One of them is the specialization in Process Safety Management (MKP) which specializes in the implementation of process management systems. The purpose is to identify, control and prevent hazards that arise from process activities or operations, causing losses, injuries and damage to the environment.

According to the Dean of FTUI, Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, ST., M.Eng., IPU, “Process Safety Management focuses on the operational aspects of the factory or process industry, so it is more technical and specific. It includes elements that help institutions reduce numbers and avoid accidents and disasters.” This field studies the more effective control of accounting process activities, including equipment, procedures and organization managed by management systems to ensure that all hazards are identified and controlled for the continuity of the production process.

Process Safety Management is a specialization in the field of process safety management that can support the direction of improving process performance in the industry to create a safety culture through well-managed planning, regulation, development and operation activities in the process industry. Students will learn how to prevent, prepare, mitigate, respond, recover and minimize the consequences of releasing hazardous chemicals in facilities and their surroundings.

“This specialization is expected to produce graduates who are educated, knowledgeable and reliable in managing issues related to processing safety, so that they will be able to contribute directly to improving process safety performance which is reflected in the apparent decrease in the number of accidents, both quantitatively and qualitatively where they work,” said the Head of the FTUI Chemical Engineering Department, Dr. Bambang Heru Susanto, S.T., M.T. In the future, graduates of this specialization can work in various fields related to Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) design as Process Engineers specializing in process safety, executors and managers of process safety, government agencies, lecturers, researchers and entrepreneurs.

With the addition of this new specialization, the number of specializations available for the Masters’s Program at DTK FTUI has increased to eight specializations. The eight specializations are Gas Technology, Industrial Catalysts, Environmental Protection & Work Safety, Chemical Product & Process Design, Gas Management, Energy and Sustainable Processes, Process Safety Management, and Process Intensification Technology.

Currently, FTUI manages 12 master’s study programs, namely a Multidisciplinary Masters study program in Urban Regional Planning, a Multidisciplinary Masters study program in Energy Systems Engineering, a Masters study program in Civil Engineering, a Masters program in Environmental Engineering, a Masters program in Mechanical Engineering, Masters program in Electrical Engineering, Masters program in Biomedical Technology, study program Master of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering, Master of Material Integrity Management (MIM) Study Program, Master of Architecture study program, Chemical Engineering Master study program, and Industrial Engineering Master study program.

A complete explanation regarding the FTUI Masters program can be seen at www.eng.ui.ac.id and SIMAK UI (https://simak.ui.ac.id). Registration can be done via the website http://penerimaan.ui.ac.id.


Bureau of Public Communications
Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia