Humas FTUI



VOKASI (D3) Kegiatan Pendaftaran Ujian Pengumuman PPKB 3 Februari – 6 Maret 2020 – 8 April 2020 SIMAK UI 2 Juni – 1 Juli 2020 12 Juli 2020 Akhir Juli 2020 S1 REGULER Kegiatan Pendaftaran Ujian Pengumuman SNMPTN 11 – 25 Februari 2020 – 4 April 2020 UTBK 30 maret – 11 April 2020 20...

Study in Amerika (Master & PhD. Program)

The School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems at Drexel University have some of the most advanced technologies, equipment’s and facilities to enable further research within multiple areas. Our faculty are award-winning developers of translational medicine. We’ve developed innovative medical devices, such as the mobile breast cancer detector, wound healing ultrasound treatments, handheld brain injury...

ICMR2020 University of Derby 8 – 10 of Sept. 2020

The 18th International Conference on Manufacturing Research (ICMR2020) University of Derby: https://www.derby.ac.uk/, Derby, UK 8-10 September 2020 The conference will include keynote presentations and exhibition by internationally researchers and industrialists, as well as papers from academia and industry, exploring all core areas of manufacturing engineering. There will be also industrial visits programmes to Rolls Royce...

Submit a Paper Proposal for 2020 ATCE

Submit an abstract by 29 January 2020. Contribute Your Expertise in 2020 Be part of an exclusive group of E&P professionals who share their technical knowledge and insights at one of the largest gatherings for the industry. Submit a paper proposal for the 2020 SPE Annual Technical Conference & Exhibition (ATCE) by the deadline of 29 January...

Winter and Summer 2020 Energy Schools in St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia

St. Petersburg Polytechnic University will celebrate 120-years Anniversary. One of them is in engineering field and invite students to the Polytechnic Winter & Summer Energy Schools with tons of positive emotions, smiles, enthusiasm and special approach to each participant. ENERGY WINTER’20: 27 of January – 07 of February (2 weeks) ENERGY SUMMER’20: 20 of July – 07...

RWTH Aachen University Summer Schools 2020

2020 Summer Schools at RWTH Aachen University. Every year, we organize Summer Schools for students from all around the world. Our programs are designed for undergraduate students of engineering or related subject areas, who want to experience German engineering and student life at one of Europe’s leading technical universities. Choose the program which suits you best and apply before March...


MODELSWARD 2020 offers the research community a chance to submit late breaking results, by December 13 2019. This is a hard deadline and will not be extended. Please check the conference website where you will find all details concerning the interest topics encompassed by this event. We would like to highlight the fact that all...

Fakultas Teknik Raih Peringkat Pertama pada GreenMetric 2019 Faculty Ranking

Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia kembali meraih penghargaan sebagai the Most Sustainable Faculty  di lingkungan Universitas Indonesia. Penghargaan ini diserahkan oleh Rektor Universitas Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Anis, M.Met kepada Dekan Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia pada Selasa, 03 Desember 2019 di Balai Sidang Universitas Indonesia. Penghargaan ini menjadi bukti bahwa FT UI merupakan fakultas dengan komitmen pengelolaan lingkungan...

Call For Papers: Asset Management Business Solution International Conference (AMBiS 2020)

Asset Management Business Solution International Conference (AMBiS 2020) 7 – 8 April 2020 Bangi Resort Hotel, Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia CALL FOR PAPERS / PARTICIPANTS The Centre for Real Estate Studies (UTM CRES) of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia will organize the inaugural Asset Management Business Solution International Conference (AMBiS 2020), to be held on 7...
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