Humas FTUI


VU Graduate Winter School

This upcoming January, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam will organize it’s second edition of VU Graduate Winter School and we are excited to announce our 2020 programme. VU Graduate Winter School is aimed at Master and PhD students. What can students expect? International Classrooms. We allow no more than 5 students of the same university per course. In...

Winter Program di Yonsei University, Korea Selatan

Greetings from Yonsei University! We are pleased to announce 2019-2020 Winter Abroad at Yonsei (WAY) as below. Please visit our page, http://winter.yonsei.ac.kr for more information with some important dates. We hope many students take this opportunity to explore Korea and earn some extra credits during the winter break. As always, please feel free to contact iwinter@yonsei.ac.kr if you have any inquiries...

Peranan Rancangan UU Keamanan dan Ketahanan Siber (RUU KKS) dalam Membangun Ekosistem Siber yang Kondusif untuk Kemajuan Indonesia

Depok—Pada Jumat (6/9) Departemen Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia (DTE FT UI) bersama dengan Indonesia Center for Cyber Awareness and Resilience (id-Care) FT UI menyelenggarakan Focused Group Discussion di bidang ketahanan dan kesadaran siber yang bertajuk “Peranan Rancangan Undang-Undang Keamanan dan Ketahanan Siber (RUU KKS) dalam Membangun Ekosistem Siber yang Kondusif untuk Kemajuan Indonesia”....

Scholarship for Master’s/Doctoral Degree Program in Thailand (Engineering and Technology) 2019

Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology (SIIT), Thammasat University, Thailand offers International Programs in Engineering, Technology, and management with 100 % of the courses using English as medium of instruction. The Scholarship for Excellent Foreign Students (EFS) for Master/Doctoral Degree is offered to students in the areas of Engineering, Technology and Management at Sirindhorn International Institute of...

8th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development

CALL FOR PAPERS 8th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development Submission Deadline: October 04, 2019 http://www.modelsward.org Valletta, Malta – February 25 – 27, 2020 The purpose of the International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development, MODELSWARD 2020, is to provide a platform for researchers, engineers, academics as well as industrial professionals from all...

IEEE 3rdInternational Advanced Robotic Competition (IARC) 2019

IEEE 3rd international Advanced Robotics Competition (IEEE-iARC) is the 3rd competition in series of annual robotics competition that challenges the mind of students to be innovative and creative towards a better future. This year, the IEEE UTP Student Branch and Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, would like to invite you to our international Advanced Robotic Competition. The competition...

The 19th Series of Power Generation, Renewable Energy & Electrical Equipment ​Exhibitions

Event Exhibition 09/09/2019 TÜV Rheinland Indonesia at Electric & Power Indonesia 2019 Warm Greetings from TÜV Rheinland Indonesia, TÜV Rheinland Indonesia will participate as exhibitor at Electric & Power Indonesia 2019 – The 19th Series of Power Generation, Renewable Energy & Electrical Equipment Exhibitions. TÜV Rheinland Indonesia cordially invite you to visit our Booth at Hall D2...

11th China-ASEAN Youth Camp

The 11th China-ASEAN Youth Camp cum 4th China-ASEAN Youth Summit theme for this year’s summit is: Uniting Youths, Inspiring Change: Paving the Way for a China-ASEAN Future. 2019 marks the 16th year of cooperation and friendship between China and ASEAN. Last year’s ASEAN-China Summit, which commemorated the 15th Anniversary of ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership for Peace...

Young Professionals Workshop at APOGCE 2019

An opportunity not to be missed! The End of Petroleum Engineers: The Way Ahead Dear Yosephine Merry Devina, The energy industry is evolving, driven by technological advancement and competitive business environment. There is also an increased awareness on climate change that is fueling the urgency to shift to cleaner alternative energy. With these changes and...
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