The committee would like to invite you and your team to participate in the Discover Vladivostok Programming Workshop organized by Moscow Workshops ICPC. It will take place in Russia, in the city of Vladivostok in the Far East Federal University Campus from 6th to 13th of July 2019 and will let you get prepared for...
Call for Papers: 2019 ASEAN-Korea Academic Essay Contest Organized by ASEAN-Korea Centre and ASEAN University Network (AUN) Supported by ASEAN Secretariat, ROK Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Pukyoung National University Global Area Studies Center, Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam With the beginning of dialogue partnership in 1989, ASEAN and Korea have become strong partners in all aspects...
Dear Alfrida, Greetings from Universiti Putra Malaysia, We are excited to share that registration for PUTRA Experience Summer Schools is NOW OPEN! Putra Experience Summer Schools For 2019-2021 we offer Putra Experience Summer schools ranging from various niche area for students to choose from. Putra Experience Summer School is a mobility programme designed and managed by Universiti Putra Malaysia,...
Maintenance of Infrastructure Programme 22 – 25 July 2019, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia I am pleased to announce that the International Science, Technology and Innovation Centre for South-South Cooperation under the auspices of UNESCO (ISTIC) in collaboration with IEM Training Centre Sdn. Bhd. (IEMTC) will be conducting the following programme: a)Forum on Maintenance of Infrastructure, 22...
Jumat, 28 Juni 2019. Tim Kanigara Banu yang terdiri dari lima mahasiswa program studi Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik UI kembali mengharumkan nama bangsa di kancah kompetisi internasional dengan menjuarai CIOB Global Student Challenge 2019 di Edinburgh, Skotlandia. Tim yang terdiri dari Sutan Akbar Onggar Siahaan, Aflah Alamsah Dani, Lucky Situmorang, dan Prasetya Jodhi; dibawah bimbingan...
Ton Duc Thang university (TDTU) is a public and the biggest university in Vietnam. TDTU is ranked 101st – 200th in 2019 THE University Impact Rankings. The Spring semester 2020, we are expected to enroll and granting 350 full tuition graduate scholarships to international students around the world. We would be appreciated if you help us to disseminate...
VNU Vietnam Japan University are pleased to announce the opening of new full-time Master’s Program in Global Leadership in September, 2019, endorsed by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), VNU Vietnam Japan University, and Waseda University. This program is aimed at fostering leaders with critical insights into politics, economics, cultural and social issues as well as regional and international cooperation....
SUBMISSIONS ARE NOW OPEN! Are you an aspiring journalist in the ASEAN region? If so, we invite you to join the ASEAN Youth Social Journalism Contest 2019! Selected participants will get the chance to join a four-day social journalism workshop in Brunei Darussalam on September 2019 and stand the chance to win other interesting prizes!...
The abstract submission for the 1st International Conference on Biodiversity (IcoBioDiv) will be extended until 30th June 2019. This conference will be held on September 17-18, 2019 in Wyndham Hotel, Surabaya. The topic for the conference is “Biodiversity: Sustainable solution for human welfare”. We invite the researcher, lecturers, students, industry, government, stake holders, and policy...