Dr. Dwinanti Rika Marthanty from Civil Engineering FTUI, presented her dissertation entitled “The Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Method Development for Basic Dynamics Modeling Characteristic of Winding River” during her Doctoral Candidate Inauguration which took place on 15 June 2016 in the Cheveron Room, Dean’s Building FTUI. Acting as Head of Examiner Committee is the Dean of FTUI, Prof. Dedi...
The Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia is one faculty that has produced a number of researches. These researches have also been featured in many journals and conferences both nationally and internationally. However, these innovations are seldom realized in bigger scale or mass produced by the industry. The FTUI Business Incubator is aimed to develop the...
DAAD is offering a scholarship for training program on Internal Quality Assurance (Train IQA) for 2016-2018. This training program will commence in five phase between November 2016 – March 2018 in Germany and South East Asia. Information on requirements and admission form can be downloaded through the following links: Annex1-Content_Online_Application Annex2-Letter_of_Commitment CfA_TrainIQA_2016-18 Application deadline : 24...
Final Abstract Submission date for SOMChE 2016 is 30th June 2016. SOMChE 2016 Call for Abstracts The 2016 SOMChE Committee is pleased to announce that abstract submissions are now open and available via our website.http://www.curtin.edu.my/somche2016/ SOMChE 2016 will be held from 1st December to 3rd December at Miri Marriot Resort & Spa, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia...
Students of Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia wins first place in the East Asia International in Japan of the Schneider Electric “Go Green in the City” Competitionon June 10, 2016. The two students majoring in Mechanical Engineering class of 2013, represent Indonesia, after winning the same competition at the national level back in 18-19 May 2016. With the project...
Emeritus Institute UI, a media for brainstorming for retired professors of FTUI, once again held a Sharing Session. Sharing Session Emeritus Institute FTUI was held on June 8, 2016 at Indosat Room, Dean’s Building FTUI. The sharing session discussed the plan to revive the GBHN with speakers from the civitas academica FTUI such as senior...
An organization should create, establish, implement and maintain a management system of health, safety and environment ( K3L ). International standard which is used in the application of K3L in an organization is the standard ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001. In order to maintain the health, safety and the environment, the Faculty of Engineering, University...
The Bio Medical Engineering Research Cluster of the Faculty of Engineering UI, held the International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering (ISBE). This symposium is the First International Symposium in Biomedical Engineering Symposium in Indonesia and was held on 31 May – 01 June 2016 in Margo Hotel, Depok. The Symposium was opened by the Vice Rector for...
The Dean of the Facuty of Engineering UI, Prof. Dedi Priadi, DEA accompanied the Rector of UI, Prof. Muhammad Anis, M.Met to a working visit to Russia. In Russia, the Rector signed an agreement between UI, Rosatom Academy and Moskow Engineering & Physics Institute. The signing of this agreement add to the list of international networking for both UI and...
DAAD provide scholarship program on Training on Internal Quality Assurance (TrainIQA) for 2016-2018. This training program will commence in five phase between November 2016 to March 2018 in Germany and South East Asia. Requirements and registration forms are attached. Application deadline : 24 Juli 2016 ...