Humas FTUI


Loughborough University – International Conference on Manufacturing Research

Loughborough University is hosting the 14th International Conference on Manufacturing Research from 6 to 8 September 2016. See website at: www.icmr.org.uk  The conference has always prided itself in accommodating young researchers as well as recognised international academics so this is a good opportunity for young researchers, academic staff and those working in industry. A broad...

Call Of Abstract 1st ICTIS 2016

ICTIS 2016 Padang Institute of Technology Indonesia. Deadline March, 31st 2016. We cordially invite you in the 1st International Conference on Technology, Innovation and Society (ICTIS) 2016 will be held in Padang 20 – 21 July, 2016. The ICTIS aims to provide a forum for scientists, researchers, professionals to present their work related to high...

Call for Papers Asian Online Journals (AOJ)

Asian Online Journals (AOJ) publishes scholarly and peer reviewed journals. The journals provide forum and encourages scientists, researchers, academics, engineers, and practitioners in all aspects to share their professional and academic knowledge in the fields computing, engineering, science humanities, social sciences, management, economics, medical science, and related disciplines. Asian Online Journals also aims to reach...


UQISA (University of Queensland Indonesian Students Association) mengundang dengan terbuka dalam acara UQISA GOES TO UI CAMPUS. Sharing session alumni UI kuliah di The University of Queensland sebagai satu dari delapan kampus terbaik di Australia serta tips and tricks meraih beasiswa untuk kuliah di Australia. Where? Aula Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Indonesia When? Minggu 21...

In.Code Program 2016

*In.CoDe: Innovation and Collaboration for Development* merupakan sebuah program inovasi terbaru dari British Council bersama dengan The Asia Foundation, Pemerintah Australia, AmCham Indonesia, Twitter, Google, Sekretariat Nasional Open Government Indonesia, Pulse Lab Indonesia dan BINUS International. In.Code adalah ruang pertemuan untuk kesempatan kolaborasi antara organisasi masyarakat sipil, Universitas dan Instansi Pemerintah, dengan pengembang teknologi (aplikasi)...

Innovation of High Strength Green Concrete Competition 2016

Himpunan Mahasiswa Sipil Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta proudly present “Innovation of High Strength Green Concrete Competition 2016″as the part of our big event Civil Engineering Days 2016 Registration of Innovation of High Strength Green Concrete Competition 2016 or “Lomba Beton Ramah Lingkungan tingkat Nasional ” will be open from February 1st until February 20th 2016....


———————————————————————————————————- ADVANCED COURSE IN MATERIALS, TECHNIQUES AND DESIGN APPROACHES FOR THE STRUCTURAL STRENGTHENING 13 – 24 June 2016, University of Minho, Portugal ———————————————————————————————————- We invite you to meet our new Advanced Course in Materials, Techniques and Design Approaches for the Structural Strengthening at http://sc.civil.uminho.pt/strengtheningtechniques MOTIVATION This advanced course aims to provide a solid formation on...

Student Recruitment for International Master’s Program in Engineering in NSYSU

National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan would like to recruit UI students to join their international programs: International Master’s Program in Electric Power Engineering (IMEPE) and International Master’s Program in Telecommunication Engineering (IMPTE), National Sun Yat-sen University. The International Master’s Program in Electric Power Engineering (IMEPE) offers two types of scholarships, one by the Taiwan International...
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