Humas FTUI


FT UNDIP Visits FTUI for a Comparative Study on Internationalization Programs

On Monday (19/8), the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI), particularly the International Office (IO FTUI), welcomed a visit from the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Diponegoro (FT UNDIP). The visit was held in the Senate Room, FTUI Dean’s Building, and was received by the Head of the Educational Modernization, Planning, and Supervision Unit, Prof. Dr....

Faculty of Engineering UI Wins First Place at UI Integrity Zone Award 2024

The Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI) has once again achieved a remarkable feat by securing First Place overall at the UI Integrity Zone (ZI) Award 2024. This achievement underscores FTUI’s commitment to implementing good governance principles and high integrity within the academic environment. The award was announced on Thursday (29/08) at the Universitas Indonesia...

Diktiristek Jury Team and TREM UI Team Visit FTUI as Part of Zona Integritas Assessment

Following the Zona Integritas evaluation on Monday (August 12), the Diktiristek Jury Team and the University of Indonesia’s TREM Team (TREM UI) visited the Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia (FTUI), on Monday (August 19). This visit aimed to review various initiatives undertaken by FTUI to implement Zona Integritas. “Through this visit, we hope you...

IWK FTUI Organizes Charity Bazaar, Featuring Voluntary Groceries and Blessed Eggs

On Monday (August 12), the Women’s Family Association (IWK) of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia (FTUI), once again held a Charity Bazaar in the lobby of the K Building at FTUI. With the tagline “From Us, For Us, Together With Us, Beneficial for All,” the event embraced a charity concept with the primary...

2,000 New FTUI Students Participate in PSAF and MADK FTUI

On Thursday, August 15, 2024, FTUI held the Faculty Academic System Introduction (PSAF) at Balairung UI. This event was designed to introduce the academic system to new students across various programs, including Undergraduate (Regular, Parallel, and International) as well as Postgraduate (Master’s, Doctoral, and Professional). The PSAF participants consisted of 1,583 undergraduate students and 619...

Faculty of Engineering Undergoes Interview in the Final Evaluation of the Top 5 Faculties in the University of Indonesia’s Zona Integritas Competition

On Monday (August 12), the Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia (FTUI), underwent an interview as part of the final evaluation of the top 5 faculties in the Zona Integritas (ZI) Competition. This online interview was conducted by the Diktiristek jury team and the TREM UI bureau team. FTUI was represented by the Acting Dean,...

46 New Graduates of FT UI Engineering Profession Program Take the Engineer’s Oath

As in previous semesters, on Friday (August 23), FTUI once again held the Engineer’s Oath-taking Ceremony in the Makara 04 Smart Meeting Room, FTUI Dean’s Building. A total of 43 out of 46 engineer graduates who completed their studies this semester attended the event. These engineers officially became part of the 330 engineers who have...

Enhancing Urban Transportation Human Resources Competence: FTUI and Supply Chain Indonesia Hold Strategic Training

The challenges in managing human resources in urban transportation and logistics are becoming increasingly complex alongside the development of major cities. Addressing this issue, the Faculty of Engineering at Universitas Indonesia (FTUI), in collaboration with Supply Chain Indonesia, organized a training session to help improve the foundational competencies of human resources in the field of...

1st Place in the 2024 ASHRAE Design Competition in Atlanta: UI Students Excel with Energy Efficiency of Up to 59%

The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) once again awarded the team from the Faculty of Engineering (FT) at Universitas Indonesia (UI) 1st place in the Setty Family Foundation Net Zero Energy Design category at the 2024 ASHRAE Design Competition, announced on August 1, 2024, in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. The six FTUI...

Commitment to Uphold an Academic Environment of Integrity: FTUI Holds Socialization of FTUI Dean Regulation No. 4 of 2024 on Academic Integrity

On Monday (August 12), the Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia (FTUI), reaffirmed its commitment to academic integrity by initiating the socialization of the FTUI Dean Regulation No. 4 of 2024 on Handling Violations of Academic Integrity by FTUI Students. The socialization event was held at the Makara 04 Smart Meeting Room, FTUI Dean’s Building,...
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