Humas FTUI


FTUI Doctoral Research on Social-Spatial Equality in Green Open Spaces in Jakarta

Are the planning and utilization practices of Green Open Spaces (RTH) in Jakarta spatially inclusive of residents’ needs? This is the question addressed in the research of Aristyowati, a Doctor from the Department of Architecture at the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI). Her dissertation, titled “Social-Spatial Equality in Green Open Spaces in Jakarta,” earned...

FTUI Launches Interdisciplinary Engineering Department at 60th Anniversary Celebration

The Faculty of Engineering (FT) at Universitas Indonesia (UI) celebrated its 60th anniversary with the theme “Interdisciplinary Engineering for Indonesia Emas 2045” on Wednesday (17/7). In his speech, FTUI Dean, Prof. Dr. Ir. Heri Hermansyah, S.T., M.Eng., IPU, emphasized the importance of cross-disciplinary collaboration in facing Indonesia’s future technological and developmental challenges. “The theme we...

UI Students Win Impact Pitch Solution Competition with Micro Hydro Power Plant Innovation

Six students from Universitas Indonesia (UI) who are members of the Kawani Cihud team have won the international Impact Pitch Solution competition organized by the Indonesia Energy Innovation Challenge (IEIC). The team members, Priscilla Tiffany (FTUI 2021), Ghazi Achmad Dzulfikar (FTUI 2021), Paskasius Andrew Nandya Pradanantyo Soeradji (FTUI 2021), Muhammad Farid Gunawan (FTUI 2021), Ahmad...

FTUI Doctoral Student Modifies Proof-of-Authority (PoA) Algorithm to Optimize Network Lifetime in Wireless Sensor Networks

The integration of lightweight blockchain in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) has become a solution for various challenges in authentication, authorization, security, and data integrity. However, previous research has always focused on features without considering network lifetime. Consequently, Delphi Hanggoro, a doctoral student in the Electrical Engineering Department at FTUI, conducted research focused on improving network...

FTUI Doctor Develops CdS/TNTA Nanocomposites for Wastewater Treatment and Renewable Energy

The increasing demand for renewable energy and environmental pollution from poorly managed waste have become significant issues that remain unresolved. Hospitals, in particular, have become major contributors to wastewater. In developing countries, hospitals can produce 200-400L/capita/day of wastewater containing toxic, non-biodegradable, and infectious pollutants. Retno Pratiwi, a doctoral student in Chemical Engineering at FTUI, sought...

Society of Petroleum Engineers UI Wins International Award at SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition

The Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Universitas Indonesia (UI) Student Chapter (SC), consisting of 108 students from the Faculty of Engineering (FT) UI, has once again achieved international recognition by winning the 2024 Presidential Award for Outstanding Student Chapters in the Technical Dissemination category. SPE UI SC is the only representative from Asia and the...

FTUI Doctor Utilizes Artificial Intelligence to Ensure the Safety of Oil and Gas Pipelines in Indonesia

The oil and gas industry in Indonesia faces significant challenges in maintaining the safety and efficiency of its pipeline systems. To address these issues, Taufik Aditiyawarman, a Doctoral student in Metallurgical & Material Engineering at FTUI, has completed a dissertation discussing the use of risk-based inspection methods supported by machine learning and deep learning technologies....

Photoplethysmography (PPG) Signal Technology and AI for Needle-Free Diabetes Monitoring

Dr. Ernia Susana, a doctoral student in Electrical Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering (FT), Universitas Indonesia (UI), has developed a new method for monitoring blood glucose levels without using needles. This method utilizes light technology known as Photoplethysmography (PPG) signals and artificial intelligence (AI), aiming to make it easier, more comfortable, and affordable for...

Erly Bahsan Investigates Liquefaction Phenomenon in Indonesia, Earns FTUI Doctorate with GPA 4.0

One of the most frequent disasters in Indonesia is earthquakes, making Indonesia the second most earthquake-prone country after China, according to Statista. This is due to Indonesia’s geographical location in the Pacific Ring of Fire, where three tectonic plates meet: the Indo-Australian Plate, the Eurasian Plate, and the Pacific Plate. Addressing this phenomenon, Erly Bahsan,...

FTUI Doctorate Presents More Effective Magnesium Implant Solution

Bone implants are generally divided into permanent and temporary implants. With advancements in biomaterial science reaching the third generation, the use of inert temporary implant materials is shifting towards absorbable metal materials. Among absorbable metals, magnesium has great potential to be developed as an implant, as it can eliminate the need for implant removal surgery...
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