Humas FTUI


FTUI Hosts Taiwan Semiconductor Job and Study Fair 2024

The Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI), through its Career Development Center (CDC FTUI), organized the 2024 Taiwan Semiconductor Job and Study Fair. This event aimed to provide information and opportunities for young talents, especially from FTUI, to learn about various job prospects in the semiconductor industry. Additionally, the event aimed to inform about various...

FTUI Holds Walimatus Safar for 4 Prospective Hajj Pilgrims from FTUI 1445 H

The Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI), organized a Walimatus Safar (Hajj Farewell and Thanksgiving) event for FTUI faculty and staff who will perform the Hajj pilgrimage in 1445 Hijriah. This event was held on Monday (03/06) in the Makara 04 Smart Meeting Room, FTUI, and was attended by several academic community members who came...

FTUI and Pertamina Hulu Indonesia Forge Strategic Partnership for Sustainable Energy Innovation

The Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI), has signed a collaboration agreement between the Community Service Unit (UPPM) of the Department of Chemical Engineering (DTK) FTUI and the Health, Safety, Security, and Environment (HSSE) Division of PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia Regional 3 Zone 9. This ceremony took place on Monday, May 20, 2024, in the...

SPE UI SC and FTUI Host MEDCO in Skill Finder Seminar

On Tuesday (May 21), the Society of Petroleum Engineers Universitas Indonesia Student Chapter (SPE UI SC) in collaboration with the Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia (FTUI) invited PT Medco Energi Internasional to a seminar titled Skill Finder: Interview Simulation 2024. The event was held in the Smart Meeting Room, Dean’s Building FTUI, from 1 PM...

UI – UGM – UTS and Center for Regulation Policy and Governance Create Water Service Vulnerability Assessment Tool

Achieving climate resilience and economic transformation in Indonesia requires a foundation for a productive and healthy population, including a reliable supply of clean water. To this end, a collaborative team for Knowledge, Innovation, and Technology from Australia and Indonesia, part of the KONEKSI program, conducted research and reported final findings on the resilience of the...

University of Indonesia Volunteers Join Forces with Community to Achieve Cleaner Beaches

To mobilize the community in environmental conservation, 80 volunteers from the University of Indonesia participated in a Beach Clean Up event at Marunda Beach, North Jakarta, on May 19, 2024. This event, themed “Interenco X Munvice Beach Clean Up,” aimed to save marine and coastal ecosystems. This activity was initiated by the Green Polymer Technology...

Exploring New Educational Collaboration between FTUI and UNSW

The Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia (FTUI), welcomed a delegation from the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in the Senate Room, Dean’s Building of FTUI, to explore new educational collaborations. During the delegation on May 16, 2024, both institutions discussed concrete steps to implement double degree programs for undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The...

FTUI Doctor Reconciles Actual-Virtual in Multispatial Architecture Practice

Bramasta Putra Redyantanu, a doctoral student in the Architecture Doctoral Program at FTUI, has explored the reconciliation of actual-virtual connections in spatial architecture practice. This research is presented in his dissertation titled “Reconciliation of Actual-Virtual in Multispatial Architecture Practice.” Dr. Bramasta’s doctoral promotion was held on May 22, 2024. Dr. Bramasta stated, “The findings of...

FTUI Doctoral Student Develops Innovative Solanesol Extraction from Tobacco Leaves for Health Benefits

Tobacco usage has long been prevalent in the cigarette industry, generating significant economic benefits for the Indonesian government. However, the large-scale tobacco industry also poses health problems and leaves behind substantial tobacco waste, harmful to the environment. Edwin Rizki Safitra, a doctoral student in Chemical Engineering at FTUI, has developed solanesol compounds from tobacco for...

FTUI Student Wins Gold Medal at ONMIPA-PT 2024

Muhammad Adyan Dafi, a student from the Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (DTK FTUI), class of 2023, has won the gold medal in chemistry at the 2024 National Olympiad of Mathematics and Natural Sciences for Higher Education (ONMIPA-PT). The competition was held at Hasanuddin University, Makassar, from May 12 to 17,...
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