Humas FTUI


UI Students Innovate TransitCubes: A Flexible Workspace Solution for Urban Workers

Three students from Universitas Indonesia (UI) have introduced an alternative flexible workspace solution for highly mobile workers who need a workspace in strategic locations. TransitCubes, designed by UI students from various faculties, includes Rafie Amandio Fauzan from the Computer Engineering Program, Faculty of Engineering (FT) UI, class of 2021; Christy Evengelica Duma from the Chemistry...

Commemorating National Elderly Day, FTUI Students Organize Sharing Session

FTUI students who are part of the Beban Berganda community commemorated the 28th National Elderly Day, which falls on May 29th each year. The event was held on Tuesday (28/05) at i-CELL, FTUI. Beban Berganda serves as a platform to sharpen creativity and productivity and provide insights into people with burdens. This community consists of...

Offering Job Opportunities, PT Jaya Obayashi Conducts Workshop at FTUI

On Wednesday (29/05), FTUI hosted a mini-workshop titled “Inspiring Young Leaders in Sustainable Development.” The workshop, organized by PT Jaya Obayashi, took place in the MRPQ Auditorium, FTUI. There were four speakers at this event, namely Tatsuhiko Miyashita as the GM of Mechanical Electrical, Yosuke Minami as the ME Senior Engineer of DC, Rina Ambarwati...

Hosting Guest Lecture, FTUI Invites Dr. Ar. Lai Chee Kien

On Tuesday (21/05), FTUI invited Dr. Ar. Lai Chee Kien to deliver a guest lecture. He is the Vice President of the Society of Architectural and Urban Historians of Asia and a lecturer at the National University of Singapore. “I would like to express my gratitude to the team who organized this event. This guest...

Guest Lecture by Julie Nichols on Yarning as a Research Method

On Thursday (16/5), the Architecture Study Program of the Architecture Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI) held a guest lecture featuring Dr. Julie Nichols from the University of South Australia. She delivered a lecture titled “Yarning as a Research Method: Myth; Memories; Imagination.” The lecture was held in person in the Seminar Room, FTUI...

Coordination Meeting for Future Engineers Curriculum Implementation

On Wednesday, May 15, 2024, the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI) held a Coordination Meeting on Faculty Courses – Future Engineers Curriculum. The main discussion of this meeting was about implementing the new curriculum – the Future Engineers Curriculum- as well as the latest Rector’s Regulations for conducting undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral programs. The...

Guest Lecture by Manu Sobti on Globalization and Architectural Change in Asia

On Wednesday (8/5), the Architecture Study Program of the Architecture Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI) held a guest lecture featuring Dr. Manu P. Sobti from the University of Queensland. He delivered a lecture titled “Architecture, Globalization & Change in Asia.” The lecture was held in person in the Multimedia Room, FTUI Architecture Department...

Plan Reunion for FTUI International Program Alumni, ILUMPI and FTUI Coordinate

On Thursday (16/05), the Community of International Program Alumni (ILUMPI) of FTUI visited FTUI to present the proposal for a reunion and the celebration of the International Program’s (PI) anniversary. Representatives from the International Program Student Association (IMPI) also attended this meeting. The reunion and anniversary celebration of the International Program are planned to be...

FTUI Prepares Basic Physics Practicum for Undergraduates at i-CELL for the 2024/2025 Academic Year

On Monday (13/05), the Faculty of Engineering at Universitas Indonesia (FTUI) held a coordination meeting to prepare for the Basic Physics practicum for the 2024/2025 academic year. The meeting discussed various important aspects to ensure the smooth running of the Basic Physics practicum. The practicum for undergraduate students is planned to take place on the...

FTUI Receives Study Visit from IPB

On Monday (20/05), FTUI received a visit from the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) in the Smart Meeting Room. The purpose of IPB’s visit to FTUI was to conduct a benchmarking study related to IPB’s plan to open a School of Engineering. Prof. Dr. Ir. Heri Hermansyah, ST., M.Eng., IPU., Dean of FTUI, delivered his welcome...
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