
Call for Ideas: Eliminate Loneliness Through Design



Greetings from Bubble!

We invite your students to enter our international competition: Eliminate Loneliness Through Design, which is now open for registration at £45 ($60) per team.

Our aim is to collect design ideas geared towards tackling loneliness. Whether this be on the individual or collective, micro or macro, digital or tangible, product or space, is entirely up to you. We ask you to question the fundamental causes of loneliness, their flows, conditions, and effects. Following the ethos of Bubble, we then ask you to operate across multiple spheres, reaching beyond convention to tackle the issue of loneliness through a creative, design-led solution.

The scale, location, and parameters are entirely your decision. Whatever your response, we are eager to receive ideas that encourage connection, co-operation, and engagement. Let your ideas be smart, bold, and beautiful. Be provocative. Design the world as you believe it should be.

Ideas are to be submitted by 12th April 2019, at which point submissions will be judged in collaboration with our international jury. If you have any questions, please email us at burst@bubblecompetitions.com, or reach out to us on InstagramFacebook, or Twitter.

More information can also be found at the competition’s listing on ArchDailyBustlerArchitizer, and Competitions.Archi.