
Dozens of UI’s Innovation Products Was Shown in Various Side Events of the Indonesian G20 Presidency Summit

Universitas Indonesia (UI) displays various works of the nation’s children at The 2nd International Association for Deposit Insurers (IADI)–Asia Pacific Regional Committee (APRC) Study Visit and International Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) International Seminar 2022, on 7–9 November. The exhibition which took place at The Westin Resort Nusa Dua Bali is a collaboration between UI and the Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS). On November 11, the exhibition continued at the Bloomberg CEO Forum 2022 event. The exhibition which was attended by UI aims to support innovations born by academics, as well as micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).

UI displays 35 innovative products divided into 6 categories, namely food, health, engineering, business, information and communication technology (ICT), and security. For the food category, UI presented two innovations from the Faculty of Engineering (FT) UI, namely Hard Candy Candy and liquid propolis called EZ Trigona Propolis Extract. This propolis has immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory activity so it can be used as a supplement to increase endurance. Propolis developed by Dr. Eng. Muhamad Sahlan, S.Si, M.Eng., from the Chemical Engineering Department, FTUI, is being tested as a companion therapy in the treatment of Covid-19.

Other products from FTUI that were also exhibited were eight innovations in the engineering field, namely Degastab, Bio-Oil as a Biopesticide, ALFLUKS NF11, ALFLUKS NF 15, ALFLUKS NF16, ALFLUKS NF20, Fulfural and Levulinic Acid Production Machines, and Flexible Joints.

A total of 23 other products displayed by UI at the exhibition are innovations in the health sector. Of the 23 products, 12 of them were innovative products by FTUI lecturers and researchers. These products are Liquid Propolis Soap, Transparent Propolis Soap, Implanted Facial Bone–Screw, Implanted Facial Bone–Bone Plate, Antioxidant Propolis Spray Dry, Covent–Ventilator Type 1, Flocked Swab, Propolis Dental and Oral Health, Air Disinfection, Devices Respiratory Sterilizer, PUVICON3/PLASMAFAN, and Flolis.

All of these innovations are displayed in a virtual gallery which can be accessed on the website www.innovationgallery.ui.ac.id. These products are the result of multidisciplinary collaboration or collaboration between faculties and industry. Covent-20, for example, is the result of a collaboration between FTUI and UI’s Research Center for Biomedical Engineering (RCBE). This type of transport ventilator serves to help patients with respiratory failure and can also be used for Covid-19 patients. The advantages of Covent-20 are low pressure, high pressure, and battery alarms. Covent-20 can be used for 4 hours without electricity because it uses a battery. Its compact and simple shape makes it easy to use on ambulance trips to the isolation room.

RCBE UI is also working with PT Sri Tita Medika to create the HS-19 Flocked Swab. This flocked swab was produced after going through research and testing stages at the Clinical Microbiology Laboratory, Faculty of Medicine (FK) UI. 50,000 units of this device have been produced for the first group and distributed to various hospitals through the FKUI doctor network batch 95. The swab stick is shaped like a stick and is small and flexible enough to make it easy to sample patients in the nasopharynx.

UI Chancellor, Prof. Ari Kuncoro, S.E., M.A., Ph.D., said that the progress of UI researchers in various research fields deserves high appreciation, and their development needs to be further enhanced in the future together through the support of various related parties. Their contribution contributed to the implementation of the G20 Indonesia Presidency under the title Recover Together, Recover Stronger. “UI continues to move to promote the results of collaboration between universities, the government, and industrial partners for the advancement of science, research, and innovation that have an impact on society. Congratulations and success for Indonesia!” said Prof. Ari.


Bureau of Public Communications
Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia