
Public Lecture by Minister for Strategic Development, Future Issues and Nordic Cooperation

kuliah umum-SWEDIA (2)

Universitas Indonesia will held a Public Lecture by Minister for Strategic Development, Future Issues and Nordic Cooperation, Swedia, Ms. Kristina Persson, with the theme of:  “Sustainable development and Green Economy in Sweden – one of the most sustainable countries in the world“.

The Committee invites all faculty members: lecturers, students, alumni, administration staff to attend said Public Lecture which will be held at:

Date/Day          : Thursday, 19 November 2015
Time                  : 14:00 – 16:00 WIB
Venue                : Floating Room, Central Library, UI Campus Depok

For registration, confirmation and further information, please contact:
Ms. Inez, International Office UI
PAU Building 2nd floor
Phone: 78880139 / 087877411828
Email: nesti.rahayu31@ui.ac.id.