
Smart and Sustainable Urban Coastal Environments Days

The Second edition of the Smart & Sustainable Urban Coastal Environments Days will take place May 16th and 17th in La Rochelle.

The last report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has stressed the risks for coastal areas that stem from climate disruption: flooding, storms, threats for maritime resources, for biodiversity, etc. Growing urbanisation, concentration of industrial productions, uncontrolled mass tourism in urban coastal territories, constitute supplementary threats.

At the opposit, our coastal areas are carrying huge potential sources of economic development, generally mentionned under the “blue growth” term, through the use of natural resources for health or food. They also represent interesting areas to tackle societal challenges such as climate change, by using humid zones for blue Carbon production or by developing new kinds of marine energies.

This is why, La Rochelle University and its Foundation is organising the Second edition of the « Smart & Sustainable Urban Coastal Environments Days ». They will take place May 16th and 17th in La Rochelle.

The pre-program is attached, and as you will be able to read will provide the opportunity of many exchanges between participants from the academic and socio-economic world.