

Summer Program 2017, School of Engineering University of Tokyo

The School of Engineering at the University of Tokyo will be holding its 2017 Summer Program from June 26 to August 4, 2017. This program offers top-class international undergraduate and graduate students a short-term research experience in the basic and translational sciences in our world-leading laboratories. We kindly ask you promote the program to your students. Outline of the program is as...

EU-Indonesia Scholarship Info Day

The EU Delegation is pleased to announce that the visitors’ registration for the EU-Indonesia Scholarship Info Day is now open. Further information and on-line registration can be found at: http://bit.ly/eu-scholarships


UQISA (University of Queensland Indonesian Students Association) mengundang dengan terbuka dalam acara UQISA GOES TO UI CAMPUS. Sharing session alumni UI kuliah di The University of Queensland sebagai satu dari delapan kampus terbaik di Australia serta tips and tricks meraih beasiswa untuk kuliah di Australia. Where? Aula Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Indonesia When? Minggu 21...

Public Lecture by Minister for Strategic Development, Future Issues and Nordic Cooperation

Universitas Indonesia will held a Public Lecture by Minister for Strategic Development, Future Issues and Nordic Cooperation, Swedia, Ms. Kristina Persson, with the theme of:  “Sustainable development and Green Economy in Sweden – one of the most sustainable countries in the world“. The Committee invites all faculty members: lecturers, students, alumni, administration staff to attend...

Invitation for Bazaar HUT & UKM FEB UI

Faculty of Economics and Business UI invites you all for Bazaar HUT & UKM FEB UI on 18 September 2015 as part of the FEB UI 65 years celebration.