

Graduated as FTUI’s 500th Doctorate with GPA 4.0, Arie Pangesti Aji Designs a New THz Antenna Coupled Bolometer Design

Arie Pangesti Aji is a double degree doctoral program student between the University of Indonesia (UI) and Shizuoka University, Japan, who was declared the 500th Doctor in the 154th Doctoral promotion from the Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering (FT) University of Indonesia (UI).

FTUI Builds New Facilities for Scientific Development and Interdisciplinary Engineering Innovation Research

The Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI) held a groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of the Interdisciplinary Engineering (IDE) Building on Tuesday (6/6), in the construction area of ​​the IDE Building, FTUI, Depok Campus.

Present at the Largest Automotive Exhibition in Southeast Asia, UI Offers Electric Buses as Environmentally Friendly Vehicles

The UI Electric Bus was exhibited at the automotive industry exhibition entitled Indonesia International Trade Show for Automotive Industry (INAPA) 2023 at the Jakarta International Expo (JIEXPO), Kemayoran, Central Jakarta on May 24-26 2023.

FTUI Students Design TODerse as a Digital-Based System for Transportation in Areas with the TOD Concept

Three students from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia (DTSL FTUI) designed an innovative integrated application to overcome traffic jams.

FTUI Students Initiate GRAHA: Sustainable, Affordable, and Decent Housing

Three students from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (DTSL FTUI) initiated an innovative idea as an alternative to the problem of population density in Jakarta.

Supporting the Implementation of Healthy Buildings in Indonesia, CSID FTUI Holds Seminar Series Healthy Buildings 2023

The Center for Sustainable Infrastructure Development, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (CSID FTUI) held a Seminar Series with the topic Healthy Buildings: Exploring the Intersection of Technology, Health, and Architecture.

FTUI Once Again Expands Collaboration with Uni-KL Malaysia

Universiti Kuala Lumpur (Uni-KL) paid a visit to the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI) to strengthen cooperation in education and research, last Tuesday (16/05/23).

Strengthening Global Collaboration, UI Increases Collaboration with Two Leading Universities in America

Universitas Indonesia delegation returned to visit one of the best and oldest universities in the United States, the University of California Berkeley (UC Berkeley) to expand cooperation.

FTUI and BKKPII Hold FGD to Discuss Crude Oil Production Capacity Building

The Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia (DTK FTUI) and the Chemical Vocational Board of the Indonesian Engineers Association (BKKPII) held a Pre-Forum Group Discussion (FGD) 1 activity.

FTUI Students Create I-GREFIMS: National Electricity Monitoring System

Living without electricity must be difficult. However, it turns out that in Indonesia there are still areas that do not have electricity. Very sad isn’t it? It is possible that from areas that have not yet been electrified, there are millions of dreams of sons and daughters of the regions whose movements have been limited...
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