

Dean Greet Faculty Education Staff Again

On Wednesday (8/03), the Dean of FTUI, Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, ST., M.Eng., IPU invited faculty education staff to the Dean Greet Faculty Tendik event which was held at Makara 04 Smart Meeting Room, Dean Building, FTUI.

396 Graduates Participate in FTUI Pre-Graduation Activities

Universitas Indonesia is back to holding graduations offline for the second time since the Covid-19 pandemic. For this graduation, Universitas Indonesia made a few changes to the technical implementation of the graduation. Before the pandemic, the congratulatory procession was carried out by the Chancellor and the Dean of the Faculty at the graduation rehearsal at...

12 FTUI Lecturers Receive Funding for 2023 UI MOOCs Development

UI MOOCs (Massive Online Open Courses) is a program that provides access for the entire community to take courses from lecturers at Universitas Indonesia.

UI and Padang State University Sign Cooperation Agreement in Health and Information Technology

The Universitas Indonesia (UI) and Padang State University (UNP), which have the same commitment in the fields of health and information technology, agreed to collaborate as outlined in a cooperation agreement (PKS).

Expanding the Potential for Commercialization of Automotive Innovations, FTUI Participates in the TMMIN Supply Chain Exhibition

The Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI) again participated in the 2023 TMMIN Supply Chain Exhibition organized by PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (TMMIN) on February 9-10 2023.

FTUI Signs Cooperation Agreement with Faculty of Engineering, Pertamina University

On March 6 2023, a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) was signed between the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI) and the Pertamina University Faculty of Engineering.

Remembering Prof. Gotty, Architect Who Contributed to the Design of the UI Depok Campus

At 09.15 WIB, Tuesday (07/03), Prof. Ir. Triatno Yudo Harjoko, M.Sc., Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, who is often called Prof. Gotty, passed away at Hermina Hospital, Bekasi.

Thanks to the Design of Living in Tunnels as an Alternative to Homeless Housing, FTUI Students Win International Awards from Las Vegas

Three students from the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (DA FTUI), used an unused tunnel as an alternative for homeless housing.

UI Hands Over 1 Quick Response School Building Unit for Cianjur Residents

An atmosphere of gratitude and emotion covers the hearts and expressions of the Ash-Habul Family Planning Manager Yamiin Al Khotibiyyah and the residents around the school who have returned to having normal classrooms and school facilities after 4 months of continuously carrying out learning activities in emergency tents which are vulnerable to rain and storms.

Strengthening Innovation Cooperation, FTUI Receives a Visit from Polytechnic Singapore

On Tuesday (07/02), the Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia (FTUI) received a visit from Polytechnic Singapore to discuss the potential for collaborative innovation.
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