

Introducing the Nanotechnology and Materials Research Organization (ORNM), BRIN Visits FTUI

The Nanotechnology and Materials Research Organization (ORNM), is a new organization among a total of 12 organizations belonging to the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN).

Again, UI Student Wins First Place at LKTIN 2022 Thanks to Renewable Energy Design for Indonesia

“Indonesia has a big problem with the presence of renewable energy, namely planning errors in choosing a power plant for an archipelagic country. This results in the unsustainability of the power plant,”

Sharing MBKM Implementation Experience, FTUI Receives FT UGM Visit

“Historically, the Faculty of Engineering UI, UGM, and ITB have the same father, the founding father, Prof. Roosseno Soerjohadikoesoemo,” said the Dean of FT UGM, Prof. Ir. Selo, S.T., M.T., M.Sc. Ph.D.

Yudisium Even Semester 2021/2022 Stages I and II, FTUI Graduates 1482 Students

The Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI) has held the FTUI Even Semester 2021/2022 Phase I Judiciary Meeting on Wednesday, May 11 2022 and Phase II on Monday, July 25 2022.

Onboarding Day Entrepreneurship Camp “Innovation into Invention” 2022

Entrepreneurship Camp Program “Innovation into Invention” i3 FTUI carried out the registration of prospective start-ups assisted by FTUI in May-June 2022 and has successfully screened 10 groups.

FTUI International Class Students Again Win Monash’s FYP Poster Presentation

FTUI students won First Place in Monash’s Final Year Poster Presentation event. The student is Michael Jehan Pangestu, an International Class double degree program student, Department of Mechanical Engineering FTUI Class of 2018

UI Vice Chancellor Visits Six World Class Campuses in Australia to Strengthen Global Engagement

The Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs at the Universitas Indonesia (UI), Prof. Dr. rer. grout. Abdul Haris, accompanied by the Dean of the UI Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, S.T., M.Eng., IPU., visited several partner universities in Australia to develop the International Class Program (KI).

FTUI Students Win CESTION Competition Thanks to Transportation Infrastructure Development Solutions in the 3T Region

Wahyu Aji Syahputra, a student of the Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI) class 2019, won Second Place in the Civil Engineering Insight and Creation Competition (CESTION).

Research Forum: Breakthrough in Chemical Engineering

On Wednesday (08/06), the Research Forum of the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI) again held a Young Scientist Sharing Session.

FTUI PWK Webinar: Towards a Sustainable Urban 2045

On Friday, (03/06), the Urban and Regional Planning Study Program (PWK) of the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (PWK FTUI) held a Webinar in the series of Open House events of PWK FTUI.
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