

Fakultas Teknik Raih Peringkat Pertama pada GreenMetric 2019 Faculty Ranking

Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia kembali meraih penghargaan sebagai the Most Sustainable Faculty  di lingkungan Universitas Indonesia. Penghargaan ini diserahkan oleh Rektor Universitas Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Anis, M.Met kepada Dekan Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia pada Selasa, 03 Desember 2019 di Balai Sidang Universitas Indonesia. Penghargaan ini menjadi bukti bahwa FT UI merupakan fakultas dengan komitmen pengelolaan lingkungan...

Call For Papers: Asset Management Business Solution International Conference (AMBiS 2020)

Asset Management Business Solution International Conference (AMBiS 2020) 7 – 8 April 2020 Bangi Resort Hotel, Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia CALL FOR PAPERS / PARTICIPANTS The Centre for Real Estate Studies (UTM CRES) of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia will organize the inaugural Asset Management Business Solution International Conference (AMBiS 2020), to be held on 7...

Sedex Southeast Asia Conference 2019

Seminars and Events 10/29/2019 Sedex Southeast Asia Conference 2019 Event invitation This year’s Sedex Southeast Asia Conference 2019 will take place in Bangkok, Thailand on Monday 4 November 2019. The event will focus on ‘the importance of being a responsible business’. It provides delegates with a unique opportunity to connect with peers in the responsible...

Sekolah Indonesia Cepat Tanggap untuk Sulawesi Tengah

Sekolah Indonesia Cepat Tanggap merupakan sebuah inisiatif untuk membangun infrastruktur pendidikan berupa bangunan sekolah pada berbagai lokasi yang terdampak bencana alam di Indonesia. Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia (FTUI), Klaster Perancangan Departemen Arsitektur FTUI, Ikatan Alumni (ILUNI) FTUI, ILUNI Arsitektur FTUI, serta FUSI Foundation,  dengan dukungan dana dari berbagai pihak serta kerjasama dengan Fakultas Teknik Universitas...

Ph. D programs under ASEAN Scholarships

Recently, the Indian Government has taken an initiative for providing scholarships to students from ASEAN countries for pursuing Ph.D. programs at different Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) in India. We would like to encourage your university students to apply to different Ph.D. programs at the Indian Institute of Technology Mandi (the only IIT in the...

Inha University Graduate Program

Inha is the top private university in Korea, which was ranked as the 11th best in JoongAng Ilbo’s Comprehensive University Rankings(2018) which is the best reputational media for annual university evaluation in Korea. Also, Inha was selected as one of TOP 100 Universities in Asia by “THE TIMES” Rankings in 2018 and specially noted for foreign...

The YSEALI Professional Fellows Program (PFP)

The Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) Professional Fellows Program (PFP) offers a chance for successful applicants to participate in a fully-funded six-week professional fellowship program in the United States from April 20 – May 29, 2020. Additional information can be found on our website http://professionalfellows.americancouncils.org/ and those interested can apply online for the program at https://ais.americancouncils.org/pfp. The application...

ATN PhD Workshop Invitation

Continuing the success of 2012 to 2019 Community and Technological (CommTECH) Camp, ITS International Office of  the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) is introducing the upcoming short program: CommTECH Camp Insight 2020, which will be held from 29th January to 10th February 2020 at Surabaya, Indonesia. This program will incorporate Indonesian language course, traditional music, and...

ATN PhD Workshop Invitation

ATN Professional Development Workshop — Finding a PhD Supervisor: A practical guide to researching, preparing, and communicating with prospective supervisors Jakarta : Tuesday, 8th October 2019 Surabaya : Monday, 14th October 2019 Denpasar : Wednesday, 16th October 2019 Bandung : Monday, 21st October 2019 Time : 13:00 – 17:00 Fee : IDR225,000 *Venue will be confirmed...
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