

Public Lecture by Minister for Strategic Development, Future Issues and Nordic Cooperation

Universitas Indonesia will held a Public Lecture by Minister for Strategic Development, Future Issues and Nordic Cooperation, Swedia, Ms. Kristina Persson, with the theme of:  “Sustainable development and Green Economy in Sweden – one of the most sustainable countries in the world“. The Committee invites all faculty members: lecturers, students, alumni, administration staff to attend...

Workshop Of Sustainable Energy For All

WORKSHOP OF SUSTAINABLE ENERGY FORALL <http://na.its.ac.id/news.php?extend.30.1> Event Start       : 30 November 2015 Event Ends       : 2 December 2015 Registration Closes on Friday, 30 October 2015 Location            : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Surabaya Workshop fee   : Free of Charge *In attending the workshop,  participant will get...

APDeC Colloquium and Workshop – UNPAR

Industrial Engineering UNPAR presents:  ASIA PACIFIC DESIGN CHALLENGE (APDeC) COLLOQUIUM 2015 Date : 4 November 2015 Location: Sheraton Bandung Hotel, Indonesia Theme: Design for Well-Being Keynote Speech : Dr. Patrick Jordan (Patrick W.Jordan Ltd., United Kingdom) Prof. Ellen Yi-Luen Do (Keio-NUS CUTE CENTER, Singapore) Markus Hartono, Ph.D (University of Surabaya, Indonesia) Dr. Johanna Hariandja (Universitas Katolik...

5th Asian Youth Leaders Travel and Learning Camp (Singapore)

Asian Youth Leaders Travel and Learning Camp (AYLTLC) 2016 It is our 5th Year! We are hereby honored to invite students from your highly esteemed institution once again to participate in the AYLTLC 2016, which will be held in Singapore from 19th to 23rd February 2016. AYLTLC is an annual gathering for student leaders from Top Universities around the world. The said camp provides...

The Indonesian Industrial Engineering Annual Conference 2015

Join The Indonesian Industrial Engineering Annual Conference 2015 and win MATTHIAS AROEF AWARD !!. Further Information: Poster Matthias Aroef Award

3rd Calling for Paper – Chemical Engineering National Seminar UNPAR 2015

The Chemical Engineering Program of Universitas Katolik Parahyangan Bandung will host a Chemical Engineering National Seminar UNPAR 2015 in 19 November 2015 in Ciumbuleuit Galery, Bandung. The theme for this Chemical Engineering National Seminar is “Innovation in Process Technology and Product Based on Indonesia’s Natural Resources”. The Committee would like to extend their invitation to...

Invitation for Indonesia’s Maritime Seminar

Well known as a maritime nation, Indonesia enjoys many benefit from other countries. However, these benefits are yet to be utilized to its full potential to improve the wellfare of our nation. It requires a deep understanding of the correct maritime management of the coastal areas potentials in Indonesia. This management should also be based...
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