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On Monday (4/12) the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia (DTM FTUI) held a public lecture in Room S602, Building S FTUI. The speaker was Michael Yong Zhao, Ph.D., professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan. Michael Yong Zhao’s research interests include aerodynamics, modelling, biomedical, and geothermal.
In his presentation, Michael Yong Zhao explained various Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) models, their mathematical theory, validation, and applications with an emphasis on conservative unstructured networks (Finite Volume Method or FVM for short).
“FSI can be found in many ways and its simulation process is always a challenge. For example, in animal mechanics, such as the cardiovascular system, bird or insect flight, and fish swimming,” he explained.
In this public lecture, Michael Yong Zhao presented information in two parts. In the first part, he presented new numerical methods, algorithms, and solvers for compressible and incompressible flows, computational structural dynamics (CSD), parallel multigrid, IOM (Immersed Bbject Method), IMM (Immersed Membrane Method), and ALE (Arbitrary Lagragian-Eulerian).
The second part of the public lecture presentation covers the validation of these numerical methods and solvers, as well as their application in various areas of basic research and engineering. He provides full details on the numerical methods, solvers and their validation, and compares the various methods to help readers choose the right approach for their FSI problems more effectively.
Finally, Michael Yong Zhao also featured real-life FSI case studies, such as aeroelastic large whirlpool simulations of wing flapping, parallel computation of bio-prosthetic heart valves, and ALE studies on micro air vehicles.
“The presentation by Dr. Michael Yong Zhao was not only enlightening on problem-solving in FSI, but also provided deep insights into innovative numerical methods, algorithms, and solvers. His presentation on the validation of numerical methods and their applications in basic research and engineering will hopefully add knowledge for students related to Computational Fluid-Structure Interaction,” said Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, S.T., M.Eng., IPU, Dean of FTUI.
Public Communication Office
Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia