
Developing Indonesia’s Electricity Innovation, FTUI Collaborates with PT PLN

Coinciding with the celebration of the 59th Anniversary, the Faculty of Engineering (FT) at the Universitas Indonesia (UI) entered into a cooperation agreement with PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) (Persero). The signing of this collaboration was signed by the Dean of FTUI, Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, S.T., M.Eng., IPU, and the General Manager of PT PLN (Persero) Centre for Electricity Research and Development, Ir. Iswan Prahastono, M. Phil.

In this cooperation agreement, FTUI and PT PLN will collaborate in the fields of research, technology development, and driving innovation in the electricity sector, as well as developing resource capacity to address various strategic electricity issues. This will enable FTUI to play an active role in finding innovative solutions to strategic issues faced in this field.

“This collaboration in education and innovation research is clear evidence of the inseparable relationship between FTUI and industry. In addition, FTUI provides opportunities for practitioners to continue their education in engineering and joint research opportunities to become a forum for knowledge transfer from FTUI to practitioners and the wider community. With the hope that it will have a superior impact on the advancement of electricity in Indonesia,” said Prof. Heri (Monday, 17/07).

Ir. Iswan Prahastono said that this collaboration will have a significant impact on facing the challenges faced by the electricity industry in Indonesia. PT PLN will also be able to utilise the knowledge and research conducted by FTUI to develop new technologies, increase operational efficiency, and optimise the use of resources in the electricity sector.

“We appreciate FTUI’s contribution to technology research and development, which will have a positive impact on industry and society as a whole,” said Iswan.

The collaboration between FTUI and PT PLN is an effort to increase the capacity of human resources related to electricity. By strengthening collaboration with PT PLN, FTUI can provide relevant education and training for students and workers in the electricity sector. This will help create a qualified workforce that is ready to face challenges in the electricity sector.


Bureau of Public Communications
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia