On Wednesday, February 21, 2024, Minami Fuji collaborated with the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI) to organize a seminar titled “Producing 500 Young Leaders Aged 22.” The event was attended by 90 participants, including students from FTUI, Universitas Darma Persada, and PT Panasonic Gobel. The seminar took place in the SMR room of the Dean’s Building at the Faculty of Engineering, UI.
“As we know, the Dean of FTUI has a vision to build an Excellent and High-Impact FTUI Entrepreneur. In line with this, we hope that through this seminar, we can produce participants who have a high spirit of Leadership and Entrepreneurship so that they can become excellent and impactful leaders in the future,” expressed Dr. Romadhani Ardi, Manager of Student Affairs, Research, and Community Service, during the opening of the event.
Minami Fuji is the number 1 roofing construction company in Japan. In this seminar, participants gained insights into the profile of the Minami Fuji company and the effective leadership style needed in the modern era. The main speaker for the event was Sugiyama Hiromu, the President and Director of Minami Fuji. In his presentation, Sugiyama provided a direct perspective on human development, especially for a leader, and the needs of society at the Asian level.
The main theme of the seminar was “Producing 500 Young Leaders Aged 22,” emphasizing the importance of the young Asian generation in leading and transforming the business world in the future. During the seminar session, participants also gained an understanding of the Global Management College (GMC) concept and an overview of activities that could be implemented. The event not only provided an understanding of the importance of leadership and entrepreneurship but also offered opportunities for participants to participate in the GMC selection.
On a separate occasion, the Dean of FTUI, Prof. Dr. Ir. Heri Hermansyah, S.T., M.Eng., IPU, revealed, “This event is expected not only to strengthen the collaboration between FTUI, Minami Fuji, and Panasonic but also to support FTUI’s commitment to prepare and nurture outstanding young Indonesians to become national and world leaders in the future, playing a role in building a civilization in Indonesia.”
The seminar was also attended by Dr.rer.pol. Romadhani Ardi, S.T., M.T. (Manager of Student Affairs, Research, and Community Service), Dr. Muhamad Sahlan (Head of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Unit), Dr. Imam Jauhari Maknun S.T., M.T., M.Sc. (Secretary of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Unit, Head of Logistics Unit), Heru Santoso (Vice President Director of PT Panasonic Gobel Life Solutions Manufacture Indonesia), and the team from PT Panasonic Gobel Life Solutions Manufacture Indonesia.
Public Communication Office
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia