
Enhancing the Scientific Climate in Engineering, FTUI Hosts OIM FTUI 2024

On Tuesday (14/05), FTUI held the Written Futuristic Ideas presentation as part of the competition in the FTUI Student Scientific Olympiad (OIM). This year, OIM FTUI 2024 is themed “Medieval Era” with the slogan #UnravelTheTruth, symbolizing the adventure to discover and reveal the truth. The overarching theme of the event is “Creating a Better Future for the Nation as the Golden Generation for the Sustainability of Human Civilization.” What sets this year’s OIM FTUI apart from previous years is its integration with the Teknik Cup.

OIM FTUI is organized to enhance the scientific and academic climate in engineering, stimulate students’ interests and talents, serve as a field of innovation for students, recruit FTUI students to participate in UI OIM 2024, and prepare contingents to participate in the National Student Scientific Week Creativity Program (PKM PIMNAS).

“We emphasize the 9th point of the SDGs: ‘industry, innovation, and infrastructure.’ As students, the iron stock, and the next generation to continue human civilization in the future, we should possess imaginative, creative, and innovative spirits for the sustainability of the industrialization of human civilization,” said Sabrina, the committee chair of OIM FTUI 2024.

There are two types of competition branches in OIM FTUI 2024: PKM and non-PKM. The PKM competition branches include Exact Research, Entrepreneurship, Community Service, Application of Science and Technology, Creative Works, Futuristic Idea Videos, Scientific Articles, Written Futuristic Ideas, and Innovative Works. Meanwhile, the non-PKM branches include English and Indonesian Debates, Quiz, Eatbulaga, Essay, Infographics, and Department Presentations.

OIM FTUI 2024 is open to active batches 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023. The OIM FTUI contingents are selected through each department’s IPTEK. For the PKM branches, there is a proposal selection process followed by presentations. The non-PKM branches are conducted with an elimination system. Participants in this olympiad are judged by lecturers, alumni, and members of the English Debating Society (EDS). Winners of the olympiad will receive certificates and trophies as prizes.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Heri Hermansyah, ST., M.Eng., IPU., the Dean of FTUI, stated, “I appreciate the committee and participants who contributed to OIM FTUI 2024. I hope this event will foster imagination and innovation among students. I also hope that the innovations presented by the olympiad participants will inspire many people.”


Public Communication Office
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia