
FPT-UBD Innovation Lab Software Development Training Programme

Greetings from FPT-UBD Innovation Lab!

We are pleased to share with you an upskilling opportunity from our innovation lab.

The FPT-UBD Innovation Lab is an intensive 16-week full-time or part-time software development training program.  It is a partnership between UBD and industry.  The training is project-based and the participants will learn by completion of projects or assignments starting from core software development concepts and progress to intermediate skills with personal projects. Finally, the participant will be involved in a major group project.  This may be a real project from real clients. Upon successful completion of the program, participants will have the opportunity to apply for a paid internship or employment in FPT Software company, the leading technology company in Asia.

The next session will be from 12 August to 30 November 2019. This will be the fifth intake of the innovation lab.

The training is open to any interested person who wishes to learn about the latest technologies in the software industry and to enhance his/her software development skills.  The program caters for participants with different levels of experience in programming including those without IT background who wish to convert their career into IT or learn IT to support their current job.

For more information, please visit http://www.ubd.edu.bn/fpt-ubdinnolab or write to us at innovationlab@ubd.edu.bn.
The deadline for international applicants to apply is 1 June 2019.

Program Brochure: click here