
FTUI 2023 Retirement Preparation Period (MPP) Training: Facing Retirement with Excellence and Impact

The Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI) organized a Retirement Preparation Period (MPP) Training for FTUI 2023 Educational Staff (tendik) with the theme “Becoming an Excellent and Impactful Retiree”. This activity was held on July 19-22, 2023 in the Special Region of Jogjakarta. After the pandemic period, FTUI organized MPP offline again and for the first time, it was held outside the city.

The FTUI 2023 MPP event was attended by 20 participants, consisting of 10 couples consisting of 5 retirees in 2023, 3 retirees in 2024, and 2 retirees in 2025. In this training, the participants were given material to equip and fully prepare for retirement.

Prof. Mahmud Sudibandriyo, M.Sc., Ph.D., Vice Dean for Resources, Business and General Administration, hopes that through this training, Tendiks will be able to understand and deal with feelings or emotional challenges that may arise when entering retirement. With the proper support and preparation, it is hoped that future retirees can achieve an ideal retirement.

Ajib Setyo Arifin, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. as the Human Resources and Facilities Manager also said, “I hope that by attending this training, prospective retirees can continue to be maintained in all aspects of their lives, both in terms of health, finance, and psychology,” he said. He realizes how significant the transition from the working world to retirement is and he believes that optimal planning is necessary to go through the phase better and be more prepared physically and mentally.

On the first day of the training, participants received material delivered by Dr. Drs. H. Fauzan Asmara, M.M. on how to deal with retirement, post-power syndrome, and how to prevent and handle it. Fauzan presented his views on the retirement period and the challenges that may be faced by participants. Participants were invited to see retirement as a golden opportunity to pursue new dreams and activities that can have a positive impact on their lives.

Activities on the second day of the training involved participants visiting several business training venues, aiming to provide insight into new opportunities that can be explored after retirement. Participants were invited to visit Amboja Hydroponics to learn about hydroponic cultivation, Kelengkeng Pak Ito to learn about longan cultivation, and Perikanan Mino Remboko to understand more about freshwater fish farming.

Furthermore, on the last day of the training, participants received material on tips to inhibit self-aging and improve quality of life delivered by Dr. dr. Zaenal Muttaqien Sofro, AIFM. This material highlighted the importance of maintaining physical and mental health, as well as how to live an active and healthy life in retirement. MPP FTUI 2023 closed with a tour of Prambanan temple, an enchanting historical destination in the Special Region of Yogyakarta.

“With the end of MPP FTUI 2023, we hope that this training can help prospective retirees to create bold steps in facing their retirement. Hopefully, this training can equip participants to achieve a superior and impactful retirement,” said Prof. Dr. Ir. Yanuar, M.Eng., M.Sc as Vice Dean for Education, Research, and Student Affairs.

Slamet, one of the MPP 2023 participants enthusiastically conveyed his positive impression of the training he had attended. “During the training, we were directed and guided very well in facing the retirement period with the best possible planning. I feel very helped by the information and training provided during the event,” he said.

Furthermore, Slamet hopes that MPP activities like this can still be held regularly. According to him, MPP will be ideal if it is carried out at least 5 years before the retirement of educational staff. This is because it can provide more opportunities for prospective retirees to plan and prepare for retirement earlier and more carefully.

“MPP FTUI 2023 activity is a real step in providing optimal preparation for FTUI tendik to face retirement with enthusiasm and confidence. Hopefully, this training will provide benefits and opportunities for each participant to achieve success in every new chapter in their retirement,” said the Dean of FTUI, Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, ST., M.Eng., IPU.


Public Communication Bureau
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia