
FTUI Achieves 63 UI 74th Anniversary Awards

At the UI 74th Anniversary Summit, FTUI received various awards for its victory in the UI Anniversary competition. The total awards won by FTUI were 63 awards. The award presentation was held on February 21, 2024 at Balairung UI.

UI gave awards to four fields, namely the University Secretary, Academic and Student Affairs, Research and Innovation, Human Resources and Assets awards. In addition, there were also awards for winners of sports and arts competitions. These awards are given to the UI community and citizens who have contributed to efforts to achieve the goal of Sustainable Indonesia.

The Dean of FTUI, Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, ST., M.Eng., IPU, gave his appreciation, “I congratulate FTUI for the achievements made on UI’s 74th Anniversary. I am also grateful for the hard work of the Engineering community so that we can continue to innovate and improve our performance. Hopefully, this will motivate us to give our best for FTUI and UI so that in the future our achievements will be more and more useful.”

The following is a list of awards received by FTUI.

8 awards in the field of University Secretary

  • 2 UPT K3L subcategory awards
    • 1st place Faculty with the Best Emergency Management Sustainability.
    • 1st place Faculty with Quality Assurance Innovation through the Best Disaster Safe SMK3L Certification.
  • 2 awards in the Archive Office subcategory
    • 1st place Entity with the Best Internal Archives Monitoring Results in 2023.
    • 1st place Archival Unit with the Best Internal Archival Supervision Results in 2023.
  • 1 award in the International Affairs Office subcategory
    • 2nd place Faculty with the Best Foreign Student Assistance.
  • 3 awards under the Public Relations and Information Disclosure Bureau subcategory
    • 1st place Faculty with the Most Number of Published Press Releases.
    • 2nd place Faculty with the Best Social Media Management.
    • 3rd place for Faculty with the Best Management of Public Information Disclosure.

13 Academic and Student Affairs awards

  • 2 Academic Quality Assurance Agency subcategory awards
    • 1st Place for Best EVISEM Score Study Program (score-4) for 2 Consecutive Years (FY 2021/2022 and 2022/2023) Postgraduate Level, namely Professional Engineer.
    • 3rd Champion Faculty with the Most Superior Accreditation Rating Additions in 2023 with the acquisition of 8 study programs.
  • 3 Center for Independent Learning subcategory awards
    • 1st Champion Faculty with the Most Participants in the Independent MBKM Program – Independent Internship with a total of 159 participants.
    • 1st place in the Most Popular Independent MBKM Program with the Most UI and Non-UI Participants, namely Joko Adianto, ST., M.Ars., Ph.D, head lecturer of the Research Courses of
    • Housing Program.
    • 1st place Faculty with the Most Participants in the MBKM Mandiri – INSPIRE Program with a total of 28 participants.
  • 3 subcategories of Directorate of Student Affairs
    • 1st place Faculty with the Best Internationalization of Student Affairs with a total of 201 inbound students, 586 outbound students, and 215 international achievement students.
    • 1st place Faculty with the Best Achievement Students with a total of 886 students (215 international achievement students and 671 national achievement students).
    • 2nd place Faculty with the Best Scholarship Achievement with 63 scholarship partners, total scholarships of IDR 21 billion, and 910 scholarship recipients.
  • 1 UPT Library award
    • 1st place for Most Active Faculty Uploading Scientific Works in Repository with 3,391 titles.
  • 4 subcategory awards of Directorate of Academic Development and Learning Resources
    • 1st place for Outstanding Lecturer in the Tri Dharma of Higher Education in the Science Technology Category in 2023, namely Prof. Dr. Muhammad Surya Negara, ST., M.Sc.IPU.
    • 2nd Most Productive Faculty Developing MOOCs in 2023 with 25 MOOCs.
    • 3rd place for the Most Popular Lecturer Contributor of Open Material 2023, namely Prof. Dr. Ir. Raldy Artono Koestoer, D.E.A. – The Beginning of Grashof Incubator part 1 (FT) with 299 viewers.
    • 3rd place Faculty with the Most Number of BRP Documents Recorded in BRP Application Year 2023 with 115 BRP.

8 awards for Research and Innovation

  • 1 Directorate of Research and Development subcategory award
    • 1st place for Researcher with the Best Research Impact in Science and Technology, namely Nofrijon Sofyan.
  • 1 award under the Directorate of Community Service and Empowerment subcategory
    • Champion of the Best Service Lecturer, Prof. Yandi Andri Yatmo, ST, M.Arch, Ph.D.
  • 5 Directorate of Innovation and Science Techno Park awards
    • Champion of Best Financial Performance/Best Revenue Stream, namely Ingrated Farming with CEO Adam Doni Mauladi and proposer Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, S.T., M.Eng., IPU.
    • Best Evaluation Scoring Startup winner, Inventing with CEO Alif Hikmah Fikri and proposer Dr. Eng. Muhammad Arif Budiyanto, S.T., M.T.
    • Best Traction Startup Champion, namely ATM Sehat with CEO Dr. dr. Taufik Jamaan, Sp.OG.; CPO Sigit Mohammad Nuzul; and proposer Ruki Harwahyu, S.T., M.T., M.Sc., Ph.D..
    • UI Researcher Champion with the Most Commercial Invention Products in the Field of Health Science Technology, namely Prof. Dr. Donanta Dhaneswara, M.Si.; Jaka Fajar Fatriansyah, M.Sc., Ph.D.; Nofrijon Sofyan, Ph.D.; Dzaki Omar Bunedi, S.T.; Reo Pratama Niman, S.T.; Mohammad Nagieb Alaydrus, S.T.; Prof. Dr. Ir. Akhmad Herman Yuwono, M.Phil.Eng.; Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ing. Ir. Bambang Suharno; Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Anis, M.Met.; Ahmad Ashari, S.T., M.T.; Han Hisyam Pratama, S.T.; Dr. Eng. Muhammad Sahlan, S.Si., M.Eng.; and Sirly Eka Nur Intan.
    • UI Researcher Champion for the Largest Royalty Earner from the Commercialization License of Innovation Products in 2023 in the Field of Health Science Technology, namely Prof. Dr. Ir. Mochammad Chalid, M.Eng.; Prof. Dr. Yudan Whulanza, S.T., M.Sc.; Sugeng Supriadi, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D.; Prof. Dr. Ir. Donanta Dhaneswara, M.Si.; Jaka Fajar Fatriansyah, M.Sc., Ph.D.; Nofrijon Sofyan, Ph.D.; Dr. Basari, S.T., M.Eng.; Tomy Abuzairi; Hendrana Tjahjadi; Ridho Maulana Mohamad; Bagus Satrya Putra H.; Muhammad Adyan Bangun; Ahli Irfan; and Arbariyanto Mahmud Wicaksono.
  • 1 Directorate of Data Administration and Management of Research and Innovation Products subcategory award
    • Scopus Indexed Journal Champion, namely International Journal of Technology and Interiority.

4 HR and Asset Awards

  • 1 subcategory award for Directorate of Facility Operation and Maintenance by UI GreenMetric
    • 1st place for The 2023 Most Sustainable Faculty/School/Vocation at Universitas Indonesia.
  • 3 awards in the Human Resources Directorate subcategory
    • 2nd place Faculty with the best fulfillment of Lecturer Workload in 2023.
    • 3rd place for the highest percentage of achievement of professors in 2023.
    • 3rd place for the highest percentage of achievement of head lecturers in 2023.

5 Sports and Art Competition Awards

  • 1st place in Duet Category Singing Competition by Shaniya Camita Farin and Nathan William (FT Alumni and Student).
  • 1st place in Table Tennis Competition.
  • 2nd place in Field Tennis Competition.
  • 2nd place in Futsal Competition.
  • 3rd place in the Women’s Tug of War Competition.