
FTUI and Indonesian Interior Design Association Hold Creative Talks Discussing Vernacular Architecture in Hotels

As one of the series of activities of the Jakarta Interior Design Festival (DJIF), the Interior Design Association of Indonesia (HDII) held Creative Talks in collaboration with the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia (DA FTUI). This Creative Talks was a collaboration between HDII, DA FTUI and Mara Technological University and raised the theme, “Apurva Kempinski Nusa Dua Bali, Indonesian Local Wisdom in Hotel Design”. The event was held on Thursday, (31/08/23) at the Smart Meeting Room Makara 04, FTUI Dean’s Building.

Creative Talks UI FTUI series presented three speakers, namely Rudy Dodo, Principal Trivium Design Group, Professor Madya IDr Ts Dr. Rostam Nyaman, Lecturer of Mara Technological University, Dr. Tun Mod Irfan Mohd Affandi, Lecturer of Mara Technological University, guided by Moderator, Tri Hikmawati, HDII.

“The Apurva Kempinski Bali is one of the five-star resorts in Bali that has a lobby with a luxurious and unique interior design because it applies the rich cultural values of the archipelago to its interior design. The application of the archipelago’s cultural values, such as the use of the pendopo concept in the lobby, the use of gebyok with Javanese decoration that reflects the luxury and prosperity of the Majapahit kingdom is represented in the lobby of The Apurva Kempinski with a touch of modern interior,” said Rudy Dodo.

Continuing the discussion on vernacular architectural design at The Apurva Kempinski Bali, according to two lecturers from the Mara University of Technology, Professor Madya IDr Ts Dr. Rostam Nyaman and Dr. Tun Mod Irfan Mohd Affandi, architectural forms that use elements of local wisdom usually have high cultural value and the maintenance of these buildings must be significant compared to normal construction.

FTUI leaders also attended this event, such as Dr. Ir. Achmad Hery Fuad, M.Eng., Head of the FTUI Department of Architecture, and Dr.-Ing. Ir. Dalhar Susanto, Manager of Cooperation, Ventures, and Alumni. The event was also attended by FTUI lecturers and students.

“It is very interesting when discussing the wealth of Indonesia, especially in building design or often in the scope of architecture, buildings that characterize the local wisdom of a region are referred to as vernacular architecture, the design concept is more natural and contextual according to needs. The knowledge conveyed by these speakers is very insightful and enriches our understanding of the world of traditional architecture,” said Dr.-Ing. Ir. Dalhar Susanto.

On a separate occasion, the Dean of FTUI, Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, S.T., M.Eng., IPU, said “This Creative Talks provides new insights that the wealth of the archipelago is something that must be preserved through application in sustainable building design. Adapting elements of the past that are interpreted in the form of buildings is one way to maintain the wealth of the archipelago both in architecture and design,” he said.

This activity is an effort to encourage designers and the public to continue to adapt, collaborate and innovate in creating interiors. Of course, this spirit of adaptation, collaboration, and innovation will create interior spaces that are collaborative, meaningful, and have an impact on society. Later this Creative Talks activity will take place in 5 educational institutions, and the first series was held at FTUI with an interesting theme about Indonesian local wisdom in interior design.


Public Communication Bureau
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia