
FTUI Builds New Facilities for Scientific Development and Interdisciplinary Engineering Innovation Research

The Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI) held a groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of the Interdisciplinary Engineering (IDE) Building on Tuesday (6/6), in the construction area of ​​the IDE Building, FTUI, Depok Campus. The groundbreaking procession was represented by the Secretary of the Board of Trustees, (Corina DS Riantoputra, M.Com., Ph.D., Psychologist), Deputy Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs UI, (Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Abdul Haris), Dean of FTUI, (Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, S.T., M. Eng. IPU.) and Director of Operations PT PP Urban, (Dian Adi Cahyono).

The Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI) is faced with the challenge of how to produce graduates who can face global competition. In the future, the problems faced will be increasingly complex and require a multi and interdisciplinary approach to answer them. The development of technological products from a scientific discipline can no longer be done alone but requires a multidisciplinary collaborative approach.

Prof. Heri said that to develop results of interdisciplinary engineering education and research that can compete both regionally and globally, adequate facilities and infrastructure are needed. “The development of infrastructure that supports interdisciplinary education and research at FTUI began with the establishment of an integrated educational laboratory building, i-CELL FTUI. The IDE building will be a home for scientific development, innovation research, and interdisciplinary engineering education. Later, not only the FTUI postgraduate study programs that are interdisciplinary, but also advanced research laboratories and FTUI interdisciplinary research centres will be located in this building.”

Currently, FTUI has three interdisciplinary study programs, namely the interdisciplinary master study program in Energy Systems Engineering, Urban and Regional Planning and the Professional Engineer Program. In the future, FTUI will continue to develop other engineering interdisciplinary study programs according to the demands and needs of the world. FTUI also launched three interdisciplinary engineering institutes in 2022, namely the Institute for Energy Studies (IES), the Institute for Biosystems and Bioengineering (IBB), and the Institute for Urban Planning and Smart City (IUS) with plans to add five interdisciplinary engineering institutes.

“The FTUI IDE Building is the embodiment of the two main FTUI strategies that I planned when I was elected Dean of FTUI last year, Improving the Quality of High Impact Research, Innovation and Community Service (Impactful Research and Innovation) and Modernization of Engineering Education with High Impact (Modernization of Engineering). Education). This building will become an arena for nearly 8,000 students and 300 FTUI lecturers and researchers to be able to develop science, study, research innovation, and do other community services to create a Superior and Impactful FTUI and be able to be on par with the world’s leading universities,” said Prof. Harry.

The FTUI IDE building will be built with a height of 8 floors with an area of ​​6,958 m2. This building will apply the green building concept that is efficient in the use of energy, air, lighting and air circulation. The application of the green building concept will be realized by the use of building materials, some of which come from recycled materials and certified environmentally friendly wood. This building features water harvesting technology, solar cell panels, and waste treatment by a zero-waste policy. This building also applies a green recovery of 45% of the ground floor area of ​​355.90 m2 which will be used as a park and plaza.

Apart from aiming at developing interdisciplinary advanced research, the construction of this building is also the implementation of several flagship programs by the Dean of FTUI. In addition to realizing the development of a multidisciplinary engineering organization, the FTUI IDE Building will also help accelerate the downstream of FTUI’s research products, increase engineering revenues through collaboration with industrial partners, develop strategic engineering education according to world needs, develop educational facilities that can accommodate student needs, develop engineering education professional programs and increasing cooperation and collaboration in terms of research development between FTUI as an educational institution and industrial partners.

The IDE FTUI building will be equipped with exhibition spaces, capstone design studios, auditoriums, classrooms, and interdisciplinary study program offices. Several interdisciplinary research laboratories will also be located here, such as the Urban Nexus and Smart City Lab (smart city development laboratory), Sustainable Energy Systems Lab (new and renewable energy system modelling laboratory), Energy Transition Lab (laboratory related to energy transition), Biological Systems Engineering Lab (laboratory for modelling biological system interaction), as well as the Advanced BioEngineering Lab (laboratory for advanced biological engineering).

The groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of the IDE Building was also attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy UI (Prof. Dr. apt. Arry Yanuar, M.Sc.), Director of Student Affairs UI (Dr. Badrul Munir, S.T., M.Eng.Sc.), Senior Vice President Corporate Secretary of PT PP Persero Tbk. (Bakhtiyar Efendi), Corporate Secretary of PT Dayamitra Telekomunikasi Tbk. (Mulyanto SVP), Main Director of Bank BSI (Hery Gunardi), Main Director of PT Luas Birus Utama (Yamin Achmad Nurdiyaman), Chair of FTUI Alumni Golfers (Sehat Maulana), Main Director of PT Total Tanjung Indah (Heri Fahmi), Indonesia Enterprise, Government and Public Utility Development Department Director of PT Huawei Tech Investment (Vincent), Chair of the Indonesian Superior Talent Fusi Foundation and Secretary General of ILUNI UI (Ahmad Fitrianto, S.T., M.Sc.), Director of the Kamata Foundation (Cindar Hari Prabowo), and Chair of ILUNI FTUI ( Nanang Sugianto).


Bureau of Public Communications
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia