
FTUI Capacity Building 2023: Towards the Corruption-Free Integrity Zone

In 2023, the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI) held another Capacity Building event, an annual agenda that aims to improve the cohesiveness, familiarity, and skills of FTUI education personnel. This year, the event was held on August 24-26 in Semarang and was attended by more than 200 participants from various departments, work units, and ventures within FTUI.

The trip from Depok to Semarang was carried out using bus transportation, with the group divided into 8 buses. Also attending the event were the Dean of FTUI, Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, ST, M.Eng, IPU; Vice Dean for Education, Research, and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. Yanuar, M.Eng, M.Sc.; and Vice Dean for Resources, Ventures, and General Administration, Prof. Dr. Ir. Mahmud Sudibandriyo, M.Sc., Ph.D., as well as other FTUI faculty and department leaders.

Arriving in Semarang, the group went straight to the Sam Poo Kong Temple, the first stopover and landing place of a Muslim Chinese Admiral named Zheng He/Cheng Ho, also known as Sam Poo. The tour continues to Lawang Sewu which means a thousand doors due to the many rooms with large doors and windows in the building. Known to be haunted, Lawang Sewu has now been restored into a museum and gallery of railway history by the Central Unit for Architectural Preservation and Design and KAI Wisata.

On the second day, Capacity Building participants participated in “7 Habits” training based on the book “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey. This activity was divided into four classes in collaboration with the Dunamis Training Institute. Participants were introduced to 7 habits to increase effectiveness and productivity, which can be applied in the work environment and daily life.

At the opening of the training, Prof. Heri said, “While we are travelling to build cohesiveness with each other, it is good if it is also filled with new insights that can improve performance in the FTUI environment. Today, the education staff will receive training which last year was also attended by the FTUI leadership. So it is hoped that when we return we can both implement the values of the training to create an Impactful Superior FTUI, “said Prof. Heri.

The training lasted from morning to evening. Participants were introduced to 7 habits to increase effectiveness and productivity that can be applied in the work environment and daily life. The seven habit values are being proactive, starting from the end goal, priority scale, win-win thinking, synergy, understanding before being understood, and sharpening the saw.

The activity continued with a Night of Familiarity filled with Doorprize distribution and Got Talent Technique. Engineering Got Talent features various performances from departments and deans with the final results of the Mechanical Engineering Department winning 1st place, the Deanate / PAF winning 2nd place, and the Electrical Engineering Department winning 3rd place. During the event, Prof. Mahmud gave a socialization about the integrity zone in the FTUI environment.

Prof. Mahmud said that this year FTUI won third place in the Universitas Indonesia. “The purpose of this corruption-free zone (WBK) is to build habits in the FTUI work environment with effective and efficient integrity values. As well as stating that we, the Faculty of Engineering UI, are committed to implementing and creating a zone free from corruption,” said Prof. Mahmud.

The next day, the trip continued to Kampoeng Semarang shopping centre and Semilir Hamlet tourist attractions. Capacity Building 2023 concluded with lunch at Kampoeng Rawa before finally travelling back to Depok. With the end of Capacity Building FTUI 2023, it is hoped that the spirit of cohesiveness, cooperation, and self-development established during this event can continue to grow and take root in every individual involved. So that in the future it will be able to have a positive impact in improving the quality of performance and services in achieving the vision and mission of FTUI.


Bureau of Public Communication
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia