
FTUI Doctorate Utilizes Imaging Technology for Classification of Urban Floods

FTUI Electrical Engineering Doctoral program students proposed a framework using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) sensors to classify flooded areas with a case study of the city of Jakarta using the 3D CNN method.

The proposal for this framework was discussed by Indra Riyanto in his dissertation entitled “Development of a New Three-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network Framework Using Synthetic Aperture Radar Multi-Temporal Imagery for Classification of Urban Floods”. This dissertation was presented at the FTUI Doctoral Promotion Session, which was held on Monday (26/06) at the UI Campus, Depok.
Floods are one of the most detrimental disasters, especially in cities located in low-lying areas such as Jakarta, because they affect large numbers of residents. Material losses due to damaged buildings that are inundated with floods and diseases caused by disturbed sanitation in the area are unavoidable.
“Currently, most flood mapping in Indonesia has not fully used satellite spatial data because it still relies on data reported by local governments in the form of numerical data. The visualization of the flood map is based on tabular data as well as points on the map that are not represented by actual conditions, resulting in differences between the flooded areas and between the reported and actual flood areas. This difference will affect flood management, such as calculating the impact of damage, the number of people affected by the flood, and the inefficient distribution of aid,” said Indra in his presentation.
The problem of limited flood spatial information can be solved using multi-sensor remote sensing satellite data. Many technologies have been developed to more accurately predict, prevent, and reduce flood disasters, including remote sensing technology using imagery from aircraft and satellites. Along with technological advances, there are currently many optical satellite systems that operate with high spatial resolution and increasingly higher temporal resolution.

Despite having a very sharp ability to detect objects, optical satellite systems have the potential to be unable to detect objects on the Earth’s surface due to cloud cover. To map flood disasters, the sensing time also occurs at the same time as the rainy season, so flood areas cannot be detected accurately.

Indra revealed that one of the solutions for observing floods in areas covered by clouds is to use a Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) sensor. The resulting SAR image is a monochromatic image containing reflectance information from the observation area. “By observing the difference in reflectance in the form of backscatter before and after the flood, flood identification can be done effectively. The proposed framework that uses this sensor is developed to classify flooded areas in a case study of the city of Jakarta using the 3D CNN method. With the results of this method, it is hoped that it will help estimate the area of an accurate flood area and identify areas that have the potential to experience flooding in the context of early detection and prevention of flooding in other cities in the future.”

The Dean of FTUI, Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, ST., M.Eng., IPU, stated, “The use of technology in the form of sensors as an effort to deal with floods carried out by FTUI doctoral students is an applicable solution to help estimate and identify areas that have the potential to experience flooding. It is hoped that in the future, the research conducted can continue to be developed and optimized so that the impact is sustainable. The existence of this research can also serve as a bridge between several universities and related institutions to collaborate. This collaborative relationship can be continued to grow mutual benefits for all the institutions involved. We, on behalf of the leadership of FTUI, congratulate Doctor Indra on the degree he has obtained.”

Indra Riyanto won his Doctoral degree with the title of Very Satisfying. He is the 157th Doctor who graduated from the Department of Electrical Engineering and the 506th doctor at FTUI. The doctoral promotion session was chaired by the Chairman of the Session, Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, S.T., M.Eng., IPU, with the Promoter, Dr. Ir Dodi Sudiana, M.Eng., and Co-Promoter, Dr. Dipl-Ing. Rahmat Arief. The Examiner Team consists of Prof. Dr. Ing. Ir. Kalamullah Ramli, M.Eng., Prof. Ir. Ketut Wikantika, M.Eng., Ph.D., Prof. Dr. Ir. Anak Agung Putri Ratna, M.Eng., Dr. Prima Dewi Purnamasari, S.T., M.T., M.Sc., and Dr. Eng. Mia Rizkinia, S.T., M.T.


Bureau of Public Communications
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia