
FTUI Emeritus Institute Holds Socialization to Welcome Golden Indonesia 2045

On Friday (28/7/23), the Emeritus Institute of the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI) held a socialization entitled “Socialization of Principal Thoughts for Welcoming Golden Indonesia in 2045”, at the Smart Classroom of the GK Building, FTUI. The event was opened by the Chairman of the FTUI Emeritus Institute, Prof. Djoko Hartanto, and was also attended by Emeritus Professors of the University of Indonesia.

In his opening remarks, Prof. Djoko Hartanto said that this discussion mainly discussed four main areas in welcoming Golden Indonesia, namely education, health, economy, and technology. These four themes will be discussed by each predetermined team.

“The discussion from the field of education regarding the priority of character building in PAUD-SD-SMP education, the health sector discusses the welfare of pregnant women, namely cross-sectoral efforts to improve the welfare of pregnant women in Indonesia, the economic sector regarding the strengthening of MSMEs as the backbone of the Indonesian economy, and finally the field of technology that will support technological developments in each field. It is hoped that through our discussion this afternoon we will welcome and realize the Golden Indonesia in 2045,” said Prof. Djoko Hartanto.

The chairman of the education socialization team, Dr. Dewi Matindas (FPsi UI), chairman of the health socialization team, Prof. Budi Imam Santoso, chairman of the economic socialization team, Prof. Priyono Tjiptoheriyanto, and chairman of the technology socialization team, Prof. Bagio Budiardjo.

One of the FTUI Professors who attended, Prof. Bagio Budiarjo said, “Towards the Golden Indonesia 2045 must indeed be prepared as well as possible so that this ideal is fully realized for a better Indonesia. Through this socialization activity of UI Professors, it is also a way to proclaim things that can support the implementation of the Golden Indonesia 2045. This is also the dedication of UI Professors for a more advanced Indonesia through collaboration in various fields of science such as education, economics, and health supported by technology.”

On a separate occasion, the Dean of FTUI, Prof. Heri Hermansyah, S.T., M.Eng., said that the meeting of Professors in the UI environment is a form of synergy of collaboration between faculties within the Universitas Indonesia to provide ideas and contribute thoughts in the realization of the Golden Indonesia 2045.


Public Communication Bureau
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia