
FTUI GATRIK Webinar: Hybrid Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technology for Intermittent EBT Integration in Electric Power Systems

GATRIK FTUI again held a webinar entitled “Hybrid Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technology for Intermittent EBT Integration in Electric Power Systems”. The webinar, which was held on Friday (8/7), was presented by Dr. Dhanny Harmeidy Barus (Senior Manager of Engineering UIP2B PT PLN).

In his presentation, Dr. Dhanny conveyed the rapid development of intermittent NRE-based power plants (PLTS and PLTB) in the world and began to develop in Indonesia as well. Based on the plan, the government targets 23% of NRE in Indonesia by 2025. However, the existence of intermittent NRE has the potential to disrupt the stability of the electric power system due to fluctuations in its output power which are very random and uncontrollable. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a reliable and economical system operation to support the integration of Intermittent EBT in Indonesia to meet Net Zero Emission in 2060.

“The impact of intermittent EBT penetration is the case of a power outage in one region or country. The intermittent nature (variability and uncertainty) of intermittent EBT disrupts the stability of the power source. Therefore, additional backup operations are needed to reduce penetration potential and cause power outages. However, until now there has been no additional optimal operating reserve in anticipation of the integration of PLTB based on Artificial Intelligence,” said Dhanny.

The combination of the Seasonal Auto Regressive Moving Average (SARIMA) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) methods in the form of hybrid AI, can determine the need for additional optimal operating reserves to keep the system stable and economical in large-scale PLTBs in tropical climates.

“In the application of AI to NRE Intermittent Integration, there are three processes of AI development. First, AI is a technique used by machines to resemble human intelligence. This intelligence is built using machine learning, machines that learn from existing data. Lastly, deep learning is a neural network that directly runs programs from data,” said Dr. Danny.

The use of AI is estimated to save operating costs on average around 250 billion rupiahs per year assuming the substitution of PLTU with 50% PLTG and 50% PLTD. This cost savings is in the context of the need for additional operating reserves due to the significant penetration of PLTB in the system.


Public Communication Bureau
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia