The Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI), once again held a Seminar Series focusing on the current theme of utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) in research and academic writing. Titled “AI Utilization Research and Manuscript Writing: Ethics and Practices,” the seminar took place on Thursday, February 27, at the Smart Meeting Room of FTUI. The event was attended by undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students from various departments at FTUI.
Two internal FTUI speakers were featured in this seminar series: Prof. Muhammad Suryanegara from the Department of Electrical Engineering FTUI, who presented the first session titled “Dynamics of Ethics Discussion on AI Utilization,” and Riezqa Andika, Ph.D., from the Department of Chemical Engineering FTUI, who led the second session on the topic “Practices of Using AI in Manuscript Writing.” The discussion was moderated by Nopa Dwi Maulidiany, Ph.D., from the Department of Civil Engineering FTUI.
In his presentation, Prof. Suryanegara explained the importance of understanding the dynamics of ethical regulations in the use of AI, especially in academic and research settings. AI ethics regulations include guidelines on transparency in AI usage, fairness principles, data privacy protection, and the accountability of AI developers and users.
“Amid the rapid development of AI technology, we must ensure that its use in academia does not violate the principles of scientific ethics. Transparency, academic integrity, and accountability should be the foundation when using AI to support research and academic writing,” Prof. Suryanegara stated.
He also added that AI ethics regulations continue to evolve in line with technological advancements. Some of the issues that need to be anticipated include the potential violation of privacy and data security due to the unchecked use of AI, manipulation of research results, and the risk of automatic plagiarism generated by generative AI, as well as the moral and scientific responsibility to maintain academic integrity in the digital era.
Prof. Suryanegara outlined five essential steps to ensure ethical AI usage: “Transparency and Disclosure, where users must disclose the type of AI used and its contribution to the research and writing process; Institutional Policies, where universities and journal publishers should establish specific guidelines on the limits and responsibilities of AI usage in academia; Strengthening Peer Review, where the journal review process should be tightened with additional checks to detect potential AI-generated content; AI Ethics Training and Literacy, where academics and students should be equipped with specific training on AI ethics in the academic environment; and Sanctions and Supervision, where strict sanctions are required for ethical violations, ranging from publication retraction to legal sanctions in severe cases.”
The second speaker, Riezqa Andika, Ph.D., provided a practical overview of how to effectively utilize AI in academic writing. He introduced several AI tools that can be used, such as ChatGPT, Grammarly, and AI applications specifically for research.
“AI can be a very helpful assistant in creating outlines, summarizing literature, and improving grammar. However, it is important to remember that AI is not a substitute for the creativity and critical thinking of the writer. AI should be used as a complement, not an instant solution,” Riezqa emphasized.
He also warned about some risks to watch out for: “There are several risks to be aware of, such as excessive dependence on AI hindering the development of academic skills, the potential for misinformation due to inaccurate data, and academic ethical violations if AI usage is not transparently disclosed.”
“Using AI wisely means knowing when to use it and when to rely on our thinking. In this way, we can maintain academic integrity while also leveraging technology to enhance productivity,” he added.
FTUI Dean, Prof. Kemas Ridwan Kurniawan, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., expressed his appreciation for the successful seminar. “The use of artificial intelligence in academia is an inevitability that cannot be avoided. However, it is crucial for us at FTUI to understand that AI usage must be accompanied by ethical awareness and high academic responsibility. Through this seminar, I hope that all FTUI students and faculty members can understand the boundaries and ethical principles of using AI so that this technology truly becomes a tool that supports creativity and the quality of research, rather than the opposite. FTUI is committed to continuing to promote digital literacy and ethics literacy among the academic community so that we are all prepared to face the challenges of the digital transformation era.”
Through this seminar, it is hoped that the entire FTUI academic community will gain a deeper understanding of how to optimally and ethically utilize AI to support research productivity and academic writing.
Public Communication Office
Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia