
FTUI Offers Educational Collaboration to Oklahoma State University

Universitas Indonesia (UI) is ready to establish a collaboration with Oklahoma State University (OSU), USA, specifically in the fields of health and environment. This collaboration opportunity was discussed during OSU’s visit to UI on Tuesday (25/6), in Meeting Room A, UI Central Administration Building. The visit, led by OSU’s Provost and Senior Vice President, Dr. Jeanette Mendez, was warmly welcomed by UI’s Vice-Rector for Human Resources and Assets, Prof. Dr. Ir. Dedi Priadi, DEA.

Dr. Randy Kluver, Associate Provost and Dean of OSU Global, mentioned that OSU is a campus that highly values sustainable development. In recent years, OSU has been ranked among the top US campuses in achieving sustainable development goals, particularly for the indicators of zero hunger and partnership for the goals. Through their synergy, Dr. Randy hopes that UI and OSU can jointly raise public awareness about sustainable environments.

According to Prof. Dedi, collaboration between UI and OSU is highly feasible because both institutions have the same focus, especially regarding health and environmental issues. UI not only fosters a healthy campus environment but also initiates the UI GreenMetric, which encourages universities worldwide to engage in environmental conservation efforts.

During the meeting, both parties discussed several potential areas for collaboration, particularly in health and the environment. This discussion is expected to result in programs that benefit both universities and the broader community. Additionally, this collaboration is anticipated to enhance the quality of research and teaching at UI and provide an international experience for students and lecturers.

The collaboration is not limited to health and environment but also includes science and technology. Prof. Ir. Mahmud Sudibandriyo, M.Sc., Ph.D., Deputy Dean for Resources, Ventures, and General Administration of FTUI, who was present at the meeting, stated that there is a significant opportunity to develop fast-track master’s programs and short courses between UI and OSU.

“We are very excited about this collaboration opportunity. The fast track master’s program will provide added value for our students, not only academically but also through the international experience they will gain,” said Prof. Mahmud. He also added that both universities can open short courses that can be attended by students from both sides.

This collaboration is a strategic step for UI in its effort to become a world-class university. The double degree program is expected to attract international students to study at UI while providing UI students the opportunity to experience education abroad without having to leave their study programs in Indonesia.

On a separate occasion, the Dean of FTUI, Prof. Dr. Ir. Heri Hermansyah, S.T., M.Eng., IPU, stated, “This collaboration will also strengthen bilateral relations between Indonesia and the United States in higher education. It is hoped that this collaboration will pave the way for other collaborations in fields such as joint research, faculty exchange, and other academic activities that can have a positive impact on both institutions.”

With this collaboration, UI and OSU demonstrate their commitment to continuously innovate and improve the quality of education and research for a better future. Both universities hope that this collaboration can be realized soon and provide tangible benefits to all parties involved.

The discussion regarding the collaboration opportunities between UI and OSU was also attended by delegations from both universities. UI representatives included the Director of Cooperation UI, Dr. Toto Pranoto, S.E., M.M.; Dean of FKM UI, Prof. dr. Mondastri Korib Sudaryo, M.S., D.Sc.; Manager of Educational and Research Cooperation, Faculty of Computer Science (Fasilkom) UI, Dr. Eng. Laksmita Rahadianti, S.Kom., M.Sc.; Faculty of Economics and Business Lecturer, Jonathan Marpaung, Ph.D; Coordinator of the International Office (KUI) Faculty of Medicine (FK) UI, Indah Susanti, S.Hum., M.M.; and Head of Staff Capacity Building (PKSA) Directorate of Academic Development and Learning Resources (DPASDP), FA Triatmoko H.S.

Meanwhile, OSU representatives included the Dean of the College of Engineering, Architecture, and Technology OSU, Dr. Hanchen Huang; Assistant Dean & Director of Global Partnerships, Dr. Jeffrey Simpson; Head and Professor of, the School of Industrial Engineering and Management, Dr. Guiping Hu; Professor, School of Industrial Engineering and Management, Dr. Lizhi Wang; and Director of Global Health, OSU Center for Health Sciences, Dr. Jonathan Lowe.


Public Communication Office
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia