
FTUI Organizes Scientific Article Writing Training for Q1 Journals

The Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI) recently held a training session on writing scientific articles for Q1 journals at the FTUI Auditorium K.301. The training aimed to enhance the writing skills of academics and students, particularly those in master’s and doctoral programs, to meet the writing standards for international journals.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Heri Hermansyah, S.T., M.Eng., IPU, Dean of FTUI, stated, “The scientific article writing training for Q1 journals organized by the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI), is a strategic step to support the improvement in quality and quantity of scientific publications from academics and researchers. This activity not only provides an in-depth understanding of writing standards for world-class journals but also facilitates knowledge and experience exchange among participants. I greatly appreciate this initiative and hope that similar activities can be conducted regularly to support FTUI’s vision of becoming a centre of excellence in research and technological innovation at the international level.”

The event was opened by the Manager of Student Affairs, Research, and Community Service, Dr. rer. pol. Ir. Romadhani Ardi, emphasized the importance of publication in Q1 journals to enhance FTUI’s reputation globally. “Publication in high-reputation journals is one of the indicators of an educational institution’s research quality. Therefore, this training is crucial to improve competencies in writing high-quality scientific articles.”

The training featured two speakers with extensive experience in international scientific publications. The first was the Director of Research and Development at Universitas Indonesia, Mr. Munawar Khalil, S.Si., M.Eng.Sc. Ph.D. In his initial presentation, he explained the importance of publishing research results in international journals.

“Publication ensures that our scientific work becomes a permanent part of the development of science. A scientific article goes through a review process that indirectly improves the quality of our writing through feedback from reviewers and editors. Additionally, publishers actively promote our published scientific articles, thereby reaching a wide audience. Publication also adds credibility to the writing as it has passed through a rigorous review process. Ultimately, publication can provide rewards and promotional opportunities in an academic or professional career,” explained Dr. Khalil.

The next speaker was Prof. Dr. Yudan Whulanza, a professor in the mechanical engineering field at FTUI and the Chief Editor of the International Journal of Technology (IJTech), one of Indonesia’s leading Q1 journals. In the second session, Prof. Yudan shared some practical tips to increase the chances of getting accepted in Q1 journals. “The main key is the relevance and novelty of your research. Also, ensure to follow the writing guidelines and publication ethics set by the target journal,” said Prof. Yudan.

The event concluded with the presentation of souvenirs to the speakers by Dr. Romadhani. He expressed hope that with this training, FTUI academics and students would become more productive in producing publications in high-reputation international journals.


Public Communication Office
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia