
FTUI Passes 30 Students to Participate in the 2023 Indonesian International Mobility Awards (IISMA) Program

The Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI) sent 30 students to pass the selection for the Merdeka Learn Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) international student exchange scholarship program, the Indonesian International Mobility Awards (IISMA) in 2023. The thirty FTUI students came from seven departments in FTUI, namely 6 people from the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, 12 people from the Industrial Engineering Department, 2 people from the Chemical Engineering Department, 1 person from the Mechanical Engineering Department, 4 people from the Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Department, 4 people from the Electrical Engineering Department, and 1 person from the Department Architecture.

The 30 outstanding FTUI students had the opportunity to continue their studies for one semester at various well-known universities around the world, such as in the United States, England, South Korea, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Netherlands, Taiwan, Hungary, Spain, Taiwan, Malaysia. , Italy, Scotland, and Ireland.

“IISMA is a program that allows students to explore themselves through positive activities at various top universities in the world. It is hoped that with the passing of 30 FTUI students in the IISMA 2023 selection, this can be a means of learning multidisciplinary knowledge based on their interests through self-development courses. “FTUI’s pride and full support will accompany the thirty FTUI students in participating in the IISMA 2023 program at their respective foreign partner campuses. Good luck and success in your studies” said the Dean of FTUI, Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, ST., M.Eng., IPU expressed his pride.

IISMA is one of the flagship programs of the MBKM Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance through the Education Fund Management Institution (LPDP) program. The Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Finance provide an effective platform for students to develop competence and knowledge, as well as provide study experience at foreign universities.

Later, students receiving this program will receive registration and education fees, health insurance, living allowance costs, flight costs, and visas. This program also aims to provide opportunities for students to be able to take courses that can be converted into 20 Semester Credit Units (SKS) at partner universities abroad.

“The IISMA 2023 program provides opportunities for students to take courses at selected study programs and partner universities abroad, and can learn the culture of the destination country and develop their international network. In addition, this program also provides opportunities for students to become global citizens and get to know the international world as well as strengthen networks, hard skills and soft skills. Through this program it is also hoped that students can learn about cultural diversity and gain experience studying abroad and become good representatives of Indonesian students abroad,” explained Prof. Dr. Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng., Head of the FTUI Education Modernization and Internationalization Unit.

IISMA 2023 is in demand by more than 1,860 students from various undergraduate and diploma-level tertiary institutions. This year, UI managed to send 295 undergraduate students and 42 vocational students who successfully passed the selection. They go through a rigorous selection process, including filling in their data, sending English language test files, making letters of recommendation and academic transcripts, and filling out essays.


Bureau of Public Communications
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia