On Friday, (13/5), the Urban and Regional Planning Study Program (PWK) of the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI) held a Webinar Open House. This activity is a series of Open House webinar events that last for one month to welcome the acceptance of new students from PWK FTUI in 2022/2023.
On this occasion, the theme was the Importance of the Role of the Planner – Why Planner does Matter? Present as a resource person, Dr.-Phil. Hendricus Andy Simarmata, ST, M.Sc., Chairman of the Indonesian Association of Planning Experts (IAP) and Ir. Vera Revina Sari, M.Eng., Plt. Deputy Governor of DKI for Spatial Planning and Environment. The webinar was hosted by Shofi S. Shulhiddar, ST., Executive Director of IAP Indonesia as moderator.
Hendricus Andy Simarmata describes the work that will be carried out by urban and regional planners. “In carrying out his duties, an urban and regional planner is always oriented to the public interest. Planners who work outside or within the government will always put the interests of the general public first. The idea that a planner has in mind is to make the city a better civilization,” said Andy.
He added that regional and city planners must have a strong mind, to give birth to ideas for a better Indonesia. Urban and regional planners contribute not only at the practical level but also the state level. The Indonesian Association of Planning Experts (IAP) contributed to formulating the Natural Resources (SDA) Law Plan (RUU) document. Through this bill, it is hoped that the management of natural resources and regional and urban planning will prioritize the public interest.
“In addition, the planner’s ability is seen in the ability to arrange. Planners must have good interpersonal skills, be open to any input, and have a good frame of mind structure,” said Andy.
Vera Revina Sari, Regional and City Planner, DKI Jakarta Provincial Government explained regional and city planning. “There are things that are very important in regional and city planning, namely making a realistic plan. Not only planning something big and looking perfect but thinking about programs that can be done to realize the big plan,” said Vera.
Vera added that there is one problem that regional and city planners often deal with, which is not distinguishing between the public and private spheres. In planning development, do not harm the community and surrounding settlements.
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Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia