
FTUI Students Design TODerse as a Digital-Based System for Transportation in Areas with the TOD Concept

Three students from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia (DTSL FTUI) designed an innovative integrated application to overcome traffic jams. The application, named TODerse, was designed by Wahyu Aji Syahputra, Zuniar Ayu Permata Sari, and Muhammad Hafiz Risat Julian under the guidance of Professor and FTUI DTSL Transportation Specialist, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sutanto Soehodho, M.Eng.

Reporting to the research of a growing Transportation Analysis Company in Washington DC, Indonesia is listed as a country with the second worst level of congestion in the world. Quite several strategies and solutions have been initiated to overcome Indonesia’s traffic jams, one of which is the planning of the Transit Oriented Development (TOD) area. TOD is an area that combines the function of transit with people, activities, buildings, and public spaces, with high spatial utilization intensity. Unfortunately, this plan has not been implemented optimally. TODerse itself was initiated as an integrated application as a form of optimizing the TOD area plans to overcome congestion problems.

The development of TOD in Indonesia has been carried out, for example in DKI Jakarta, but not ideally and optimally. There are several contributing factors, such as the lifestyle and mindset of the people regarding the use of public transportation and settling in the TOD area. TODerse was born as an innovation and implementation of digital-based media for Urban Living Sustainability. The application selection was also carried out as a solution for the development of Indonesian society, the majority of which uses smartphones. With the TODerse application, it is hoped that it can support the activities and productivity of urban communities based on the principles and concepts of the TOD area.

“The TODerse system applies eight principles of sustainable transportation to the TOD area, including walk (increasing the number of pedestrians), cycle (optimizing bicycle lanes), connect (there is an interconnection between one area and another), transit (there is mass public transportation that is easily accessible) on foot), mix (various land uses), density (compaction between buildings that can support the needs of people around the area), compact (no vacant land, everything is utilized), and shift (shift between modes effective and efficient). explained Prof. Sutanto Soehodho.

This application also has several features, namely integrated scheduling (integrated scheduling) to be able to estimate departure and arrival times for each type of mode, aparthouse (dwelling preference) as a residential reference for people who want to have a residence in the middle of the city, choice mode provides information related to the choice of modes and routes that can be chosen to arrive at the destination with the choice of the shortest distance, the fastest time, and the lowest cost, integrated ticketing as a way to make ticket payments in “one door”, and non-motorized rewards, namely rewards in the form of points for users who have high awareness regarding the TOD area.

“In designing the TODerse application, the Waterfall method is used which is one of the approaches to the Software Development Life Cycle (SLDC). Through this method, an application can immediately release all existing features when the application is functionally running. The Waterfall method is, namely the first Requirement, the stage of meeting the needs, by gathering information related to data and application needs Second, Design, the stage of designing various data that has been obtained in the previous stage Third Implementation, the stage of making TODerse software, such as the programming and program documentation stages Fourth Integration and “Testing, the testing phase is related to the suitability of the application with the initial design and operation of the features. The fifth is maintenance, namely developing applications based on existing evaluations,” said the Gazebian Team.

Dean of FTUI, Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, ST., M.Eng., IPU., expressed his appreciation for the solutive idea from the FTUI students “TODerse is an innovative and solutive application design as a form of optimizing the TOD area to overcome traffic jams. The development of this application is expected to be significant because it can be an applicable solution for people, especially those living in urban areas. Currently, TODerse is still in the stage of perfecting and exploring partners for application development.”


Bureau of Public Communications
Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia