Three students from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (DTSL FTUI) initiated an innovative idea as an alternative to the problem of population density in Jakarta. Jakarta, with limited land, the problem of overcrowding causes environmental problems to achieve equitable distribution of infrastructure development for a more decent city to inhabit. FTUI students initiated the innovative Green Instant Humanitarian Area (GRAHA) idea: a sustainable, decent and affordable residential area.
Thanks to GRAHA’s idea, the FTUI student team won 3rd place at the Innovative Essay Competition Civil Engineering National Summit at the Universitas Indonesia (IEC CENS UI), which was announced on March 15, 2023. The three FTUI DTSL students consist of Priscilla Tiffany (Environmental Engineering 2021), Rubby Anistia Prasetyo (Civil Engineering 2020), and Trevan Sean Lioes (Civil Engineering 2021).
This year’s IEC CENS UI has the theme Innovation to Achieve Equitable Infrastructure Development to More Liveable Cities. This theme is motivated by the condition of Jakarta as the 25th most populous city in the world which faces various problems due to land and environmental limitations. One of the well-known areas in Jakarta that has this problem, namely Kampung Lodan, North Jakarta where access to decent residential areas is still limited.
These problems can be overcome by improving infrastructure through various aspects, such as building sustainable, decent and affordable residential areas, providing accessible transportation systems, and building appropriate waste management.
“In fixing this infrastructure, we provide a solution in the form of revitalization efforts. Residential land in the Jakarta area can be optimized with the concept of modular construction. This solution is also in line with the concept carried out by the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), through the Simple Healthy Instant House ( RISHA), namely houses that use the construction concept but do not have flexibility so that the upper class does not want to use it. In addition, there are also Instant Panel System Houses (RUSPIN) which are cheaper than RISHA but have low flexibility and are less audible to the upper class so they do not want to use RUSPIN,” said Rubby.
He added, “How do we create an area where the upper class and lower class can collaborate in one area. For this reason, we came up with the idea of using panel modifications to the modular construction so that the upper class wants to use them. This solution is called the Green Instant Humanitarian Area (GRAHA) ).”
As a residential area, GRAHA has the advantage of being sustainable, affordable and decent housing. First, GRAHA as a sustainable dwelling is a dwelling that uses a modular construction concept. With this concept, efforts have been made to reduce waste and minimize costs and heavy equipment in the construction process. In addition, because this residence is projected for the long term, GRAHA has a water and waste management system that is good and anti-earthquake.
Second, GRAHA is affordable housing. If conventional housing can touch up to 600 million, then GRAHA housing only touches 100-200 million. This is because GRAHA uses many panel variations.
Third, GRAHA is a proper dwelling. Because GRAHA is a revitalized residence from an uncomfortable dwelling (slum and crowded), GRAHA was conceived as a comfortable area that complies with comfort standards, namely the existence of space and space.
“To implement the GRAHA concept, there are several things that we will plan in the future but of course, this depends on the relevant parties considering the GRAHA idea. In essence, we are trying to provide sustainable construction solutions,” said Trevan.
Dean of FTUI, Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, S.T., M.Eng., IPU., expressed his best appreciation for the innovative ideas of DTSL FTUI students. “The 3 advantages possessed by GRAHA as sustainable, affordable, and decent housing are a form of implementation in achieving equitable infrastructure development for more livable cities. In addition, it also supports the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in the form of Inclusive City Development, points 9th (Industry Innovation and Infrastructure), 10th (Reduced Inequalities), and 11th (Sustainable Cities and Communities).”
CENS UI is a competition organized by the Civil Student Association (Iptek IMS) FTUI. This competition, which has been held since 2003, each year adopts a different theme according to the problems that occur to find applicable solutions.
Bureau of Public Communications
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia