On Wednesday (27/09), the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI) held a Welcoming International Class Student 2023 event to welcome new students and provide information about the International Class lecture program (Single Degree & Double Degree) including information on International Class program opportunities at partner universities for FTUI students.
In his remarks, Prof. Dr. Ir. Yanuar, M.Eng., M.Sc. as Deputy Dean for Education, Research and Student Affairs, said, “In the future as an International Program Student you are required to carry out a study abroad, I hope that you have begun to prepare yourself both academically and mentally so that when studying at the Partner University you do not experience much culture shock and can complete your studies well. In addition, we hope that it is important to always maintain academic honesty during lectures both at FTUI and partner universities, by avoiding cheating, plagiarism, collusion, manipulation of results, and others, to realize academic integrity.”
Prof. Dr. Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng., Head of the FTUI Education Modernization and Internationalization Unit explained the international lecture program scheme while emphasizing the importance of the FTUI International Office as the main source of information for students. “I hope that in the future IO FTUI will become the main source of information for students in finding information of an academic nature as well as preparing for the study abroad trip later.”
Furthermore, at the end of the presentation, a question and answer session was held which was moderated by Fadhilah Muslim S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., DIC, Secretary of Modirpen Unit FTUI. The final session of the activity, followed by a presentation session for students who will study in Australia by Ms. Merry Kurniati (WINIK Education) and University Duisburg-Essen (UDE) by Ms. Dita Adhitia (Mercator Office).
This activity was also attended by the Heads and Secretaries of the Departments attended by Dr. Eng. Arief Udhiarto, S.T., M.T., Dr.-Ing. Mohammad Adhitya, S.T., M.Sc.; Dr. Abdul Halim; Kristanti Dewi Paramita, S.Ars., M.A., Ph.D.; and Dr. Zulkarnain, S.T., M.T..
With the end of the Welcoming International Class Student 2023 activity, it is hoped that students will get an overview of study abroad as a starting point to prepare themselves more thoroughly, especially preparing requirements in academic, mental and decision-making in choosing partner universities to continue study abroad.
Public Communication Bureau
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia