
FTUI’s Lecturer Photography Club Exhibition

The FTUI’s Lecturer Photography Club was founded in February 2016 as networking media and to help and foster the ability and capability in photography of their members. This exhibition is the culmination of various photography process activities, from sharing and discussion on photography techniques, photography hunting and presentation of photo result to improve their  photo quality.

The opening of the FTUI’s Lecturer Photography Club Exhibition was done by the Vice Dean of FTUI, Dr. Asvial, M.Eng on Friday, 29 April 2016. This exhibition was held in the Lobby of the Engineering Center Building in FTUI. Several lecturers that are members of the FTUI’s Lecturer Photography Club: Herr Soeryantono from Civil Engineering Department, Purnomo Sidi Priambodo from Electrical Engineering Department, Antony Sihombing from Architecture Department, Eko A Setiawan from Electrical Engineering Department, Badrul Munir from Metallurgy & Materials Engineering Department, Dita Trisnawan from Architecture Department and Wahyuaji Narotama Putra from Metallurgy & Materials Engineering Department.

Several process in the photography club serves as a media in networking that not only bring the member closer together, but also increases the technical skills of the member. The club is grateful for all the enthusiasm of our members and may this exhibition be the start of something inspiring for  everyone at FTUI. (FTUI’s Lecturer Photography Club).